Early life stress and the brain | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Early life stress and the brain

How do our early life experiences influence brain development?

We're working with young people to find out how the adolescent brain develops after exposure to early life stress.

Young people in our Longitudinal Adolescent Brain Study can volunteer to assist this project by taking part in a one-time interview (approx 45 mins) with an experienced psychologist.

During the interview, participants are asked about their experiences of stressful life events.

To better support the mental health of young people through prevention and early intervention, we need to better understand the adolescent brain. Results from this project will help make this understanding possible.

More information

To learn more about this study contact:
Nikki Gunatilake, registered psychologist and research investigator
Email: ngunatilake@usc.edu.au
Tel: +61 7 5409 8671