Schools engagement | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Schools engagement

From a presentation or workshop at your school to an on-campus experience, there are a range of activities and events on offer for your staff and students.

Resources for career advisers and teachers

Download or request publications, view school programs and access newsletter content to share with your school community

Schools engagement events

View the range of on-campus events for your school students and community.

Early Offer Guarantee

Students can be made an early and guaranteed place at UniSC thanks to the Early Offer Guarantee.

Programs and workshops for school students

UniSC collaborates with industry and government to offer dedicated programs for school-aged students, parents and teachers.


Through our Headstart program students can study first-year uni subjects while still in school.

Information for parents

A dedicated space to help parents guide their students to reach their full potential and transition to life beyond school.

Student ambassadors

Our student ambassadors can provide your students with not only all the facts about studying at UniSC, but also an insider's perspective on university life.

Contact the Future Students team