ENGAGE community preparedness program | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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ENGAGE community preparedness program

In Queensland, natural disasters like floods and bushfires are becoming more frequent and severe. The impacts often extend to the mental wellbeing of community members, with up to 50 percent of people exposed experiencing feelings like stress, anxiety and depression.

A well community is a stronger community, so it's important to support mental wellbeing not just after a disaster strikes but as preparation for potential future events.

We're working with the Noosa, Gympie and Fraser Coast local government areas to cultivate strong, prepared communities, through a range of workshops and information sessions.

Free training and events

Brain Science for Wellbeing sessions

Free for residents and workers in the Noosa, Gympie and Fraser Coast local government areas.

Boost mental clarity, wellbeing and calm. Arm yourself with a research-backed approach to looking after your mental health and brain health, with our series of free 60- to 90-minute events.

When you’re well, you can better enjoy life’s pleasures, face life challenges, and be a support to others. These insight sessions will give you evidence-based information and practical, bite-sized strategies to prioritise your wellbeing.

Happening online or locally from June to November 2024.

Understanding the neuroscience of stress and anxiety

Enhance your wellbeing and learn strategies to lower stress and anxiety in this expert presentation. Drawing on cutting edge neuroscience, this presentation explains how stress and anxiety interacts with the brain. You’ll also discover how evidence-based lifestyle tips and cognitive strategies can lower stress and anxiety, leading to greater calm and wellbeing.


27 June | 2pm – 3pm

Healthy brains for life

Research shows that certain lifestyle factors can reduce the risk of dementia, support cognitive function and modify brain ageing processes. Learn evidence-based strategies
in this presentation to look after your brain health now and into the future.


12 August | 12pm – 1pm

Eat smart: Nutrition for your brain

Research shows that food can influence mood, brain chemistry, cognitive function and the risk of dementia. Discover which foods boost wellbeing, brain function and healthy ageing.


27 August l 10am - 11am                                                


30 October l 12pm - 1pm

Let's Talk: What to say when they're not OK

Have you ever hesitated to approach someone struggling
with their mental health? Learn practical skills for starting
a conversation with someone you are concerned about,
to show care and empower them to seek appropriate


10 July l 10am - 12noon

Introduction to mental health and neuroscience

Gain a clearer understanding of mental health, including three commonly experienced conditions – anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Learn to spot the signs of poor mental health in yourself and others, and how to seek or provide support.


17 September l 12pm - 1pm

Sleep refresh

We all know that sleep is essential. But do you understand the fascinating impacts quality sleep (or a lack of it) has on your brain? This presentation reveals the brain benefits of sleep, and explains the neuroscience behind its impact on mood, thinking, healthy ageing and detoxification. You’ll also gain practical insights for sleeping better.

Coming soon

Mindfulness to reset your brain

Neuroscientific research shows that mindfulness practice improves focus, attention and mental wellbeing. Gain strategies for busy people to incorporate mindfulness into work and life.

Coming soon

Trauma informed care training

Free for residents and workers in the Noosa, Gympie and Fraser Coast local government areas.

Join our expert facilitators as they explore trauma and its wide-reaching impacts. You will learn about:

  • The signs and symptoms of trauma
  • The neurobiology of trauma
  • Lived experiences of trauma
  • Applying trauma informed care
  • Understanding the impact of natural hazards (eg floods)
  • Practical skills to care for yourself and others following a natural hazard event
Half day trauma informed care training

Who should attend: Residents and/or workers in the Noosa, Gympie and Maryborough local government areas*. Suitable for: community and volunteer groups; business owners; emergency services personnel (eg SES, QFES); responders to flood and extreme weather
damage – eg Council, electricity and water supply workers; anyone who wishes to better understand trauma impacts


30 July | 10am – 2.30pm


21 August | 9am – 1pm

Full day trauma informed care training

Who should attend: Residents and/or workers of the Noosa, Gympie and Maryborough local government areas*. Suitable for: medical and health professionals; mental health and welfare workers; disability workers; first responders and health emergency workers; intake teams (ie reception staff); anyone supporting the recovery of those affected by trauma


13 June | 8.30am – 4.30pm

Noosa Hospital - for staff only

29 August | 8.30am – 4.30pm


6 November | 8.30am – 4.30pm

Community events