Disability and accessibility | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Disability and accessibility

UniSC provides an equitable environment for all. You can fully participate in university life if you have a disability or care for someone who does.

Recognising individual needs

We recognise that disability may be permanent, temporary or variable and may take many forms.

If you have a condition that makes it more difficult to participate in certain activities or interact, you'll find practical information and support to suit your individual needs, whenever you need it. This may include, but isn't limited to: 

  • physical conditions - impacting physical mobility such as cerebral palsy, arthritis, paraplegia, muscular dystrophy etc.
  • medical conditions - such as 
  • psychiatric or mental health conditions - including anxiety disorders, depression, biopolar disorder etc.
  • sensory impairments - auditory processing, hearing or vision.
  • neurodiversity - including ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Learning disabilities including dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia.
  • intellectual disabilities - including all conditions that impact intellectual functioning.
  • neurological conditions - disorders of the nervous system including multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.
  • brain injury - including stroke or caused by accidents
  • chronic medical conditions - long term health conditions such as heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn's Disease and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • presence of disease-causing organisms - examples? 
  • mobility difficulties - requiring the use of mobility aids
  • temporary injuries - such as fractured limb
  • primary carer - providing care for someone with the above conditions or who is considered frail and aged.

How we can help

We'll meet with you and consider your unique situation, conditions, responsibilities and the requirements of your course of study (also called Inherent Academic Requirements).

Potential adjustments may include access to flexibility in attendance, exam adjustments, assistive equipment or technology, mobility support or a range of other opportunities.

Supporting documentation

You will be asked to provide documentation to verify the nature and impacts of your conditions, or role as a carer. You can discuss these at your appointment.

Visiting campus


Accessible parking and toilets are available at all campuses. Our maps locate these facilities. Lifts are noted where available.


UniSC provides parking for people with a mobility disability at several designated disabled parking spaces across all UniSC campuses at no cost.

If you require accessible parking at UniSC, you must obtain a permit from Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads.

Assistance animals

UniSC welcomes assistance animals on campus. Assistance animals must wear an identifiable coat or harness while on campus and be accompanied by a certified handler carrying an identification card.

Our stories

For more information phone +61 7 5430 1226 or email AccessAbility@usc.edu.au