Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2010: Bachelor of Health Promotion - commencing Semester 2 | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2010: Bachelor of Health Promotion - commencing Semester 2

Recommended enrolment pattern for students commencing Semester 2, 2010

This full-time enrolment pattern is designed to comply with program requirements.

  • Students with prior tertiary study/recognised prior learning, should consult with the progrram adviser for recommended enrolment
  • Course offerings may change without notice.
Semester 2, 2010

PUB102 In-Country Japanese Studies B
PUB112 Environment and Health
SCS130 Public Health Foundations
Plus select 1 course from:
COR109 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
COR110 Communication and Thought
COR111 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship

Semester 1, 2011

SCI110 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
Plus select 1 course from:
COR109 Science Research Methods
COR110 Communication and Thought
COR111 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Plus select 2 introductory elective courses from any faculty

Semester 2, 2011

PUB272 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
PUB262 Health Promotion Settings
Plus select 2 advanced courses from faculty

Semester 1, 2012

PUB252 Environmental Health Risk Management
PUB271 Health Promotion Needs Assessment and Planning
Plus select 2 courses from advanced courses from any faculty

Semester 2, 2012

PUB351 Health Promotion Principles
Plus select
WPL310 Health Promotion Implementation and Evaluation or WPL320 Work Place Learning I
Or select up to 3 advanced elective courses from any faculty

Semester 1, 2013

HRM312 Work Place Learning II
PUB352 Training and Development
PUB361 Public Health Project or WPL311 Epidemiology and Biostatistics course
Plus select an advanced elective courses from any faculty

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