Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2008: Bachelor of Nursing Science: Graduate Entry - commencing Semester 1 | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2008: Bachelor of Nursing Science: Graduate Entry - commencing Semester 1

Recommended enrolment pattern for students commencing Semester 1, 2008

  • This full-time enrolment pattern is designed to comply with program requirements.
  • Students with advanced standing from prior tertiary study should consult the program adviser for recommended enrolment.
  • Course offerings may change without notice.
Semester 1, 2008

NUR141 Nursing, Assessment and Technology
NUR211 Caring Practice: Nursing Practicum 2
NUR221 Human Pathophysiology
NUR241 Caring Practice: Health Alteration

Semester 2, 2008

NUR202 Caring Practice: Nursing Practicum 3
NUR212 Caring Practice: Child, Youth and Family Care
NUR222 Caring Communities: Professional Studies 2
NUR272 Continuing, Rehabilitative and Palliative Care

Semester 1, 2009

NUR231 Drug Therapy and Disease Transmission
NUR301 Caring Practice: Challenges to Mental Health
NUR311 Caring Practice: Nursing Practicum 4
NUR331 Caring Practice: Acute Health Alteration

Semester 2, 2009

NUR300 Caring Practice: Nursing Internship (24 units)
NUR332 Caring Communities: Transcultural Health Practices
Plus select 1 course from:
NUR312 Caring Practice: Life Crisis
NUR322 Caring Practice: The Child Client

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