Study Plan - Paediatric and Child Health Specialisation | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Study Plan - Paediatric and Child Health Specialisation

Study Plan for students undertaking the Master of Nursing (Clinical Leadership) with a Paediatric and Child Health Specialisation. Students should register their selected Specialisation with Student Central when they enrol.

Year 1

Year 1

CourseSemester of offer
NUR721 Research in Health Care
  • Online: Semester 1
12Pre: Enrolled in Program SC723, SC713, SC742, SC514, SC423 or SC420
NUR708 Learning and Teaching in the Practice Environment
  • Online: Semester 1
12Pre: Enrolled in Program SC514, SC546 or SC742
NUR740 Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Care
  • Online: Semester 2
12Pre: Enrolled in Program SC546, SC742 or SC723
NUR751 Advanced Health Assessment
  • Online: Semester 1
12Pre: Enrolled in Program SC514, SC546, SC742, SC423 or SC420
NUR704 Leadership in Clinical Practice
  • Online: Semester 2
12Pre: Enrolled in Program SC514, SC546, SC723 or SC742
NUR703 Infant Care
  • Online: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in Program SC546, SC721, SC723, SC740, SC540, SC505 or SC742

PLUS select 1 of the following courses:

CourseSemester of offer
HLT701 Qualitative Research: Approaches and Practice
  • Online: Semester 2
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD level Program or SC420 or SC423
PUB708 Quantitative Research Methods
  • Online: Semester 2
12Pre: Enrolled in Program SC420, SC423 or any PGRD Program
Anti: SCI110 or SCI201 or CPH261

PLUS select 1  from the following list:

CourseSemester of offer
NUR713 Independent Study
  • Online: Semester 1, Semester 2
12Pre: Enrolled in Program SC514, SC546, SC711, SC723, SC742, SC423 or SC420
Year 2

Year 2

  • Select 1 of the following options (48 units):
CourseSemester of offer
HLT703 Special Project: Evaluating Practice Knowledge
  • Online: Semester 1, Semester 2
24Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required and enrolled in any PGRD Program
HLT704 Special Project: Translating Knowledge into Practice
  • Online: Semester 1, Semester 2
24Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required, HLT703 and enrolled in any PGRD Program


CourseSemester of offer
NUR731A Research Project A
  • Online: Semester 1, Semester 2
0Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required and enrolled in Program SC742, SC420 or SC423
Co: NUR721
NUR731B Research Project B
  • Online: Semester 1, Semester 2
0Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required and enrolled in Program SC742, SC420 or SC423
Co: NUR721
NUR731C Research Project C
  • Online: Semester 1, Semester 2
0Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required and enrolled in Program SC742, SC420 or SC423
Co: NUR721
NUR731F Research Project F
  • Online: Semester 1, Semester 2
48Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required and enrolled in Program SC742, SC420 or SC423
Co: NUR721

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