Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2010: Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Science - commencing Semester 1 | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2010: Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Science - commencing Semester 1

Recommended enrolment pattern for students commencing Semester 1, 2010

  • This enrolment pattern is designed to comply with program requirements.
  • Students with advanced standing from prior tertiary study should consult the program adviser for recommended enrolment.
  • Course offerings may change without notice.
Semester 1, 2010

SCI105 Tax and Estate Planning
LFS100 Financial Plan Construction
SCI110 Chemistry
PSY100 Cell Biology

Semester 2, 2010

LFS122 Science Research Methods
LFS112 Introduction to Psychology A
SPX102 Human Anatomy
Plus select 1 course from:
COR109 Human Physiology
COR110 Introduction to Coaching Science
COR111 Communication and Thought

Semester 1, 2011

LFS201 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
SPX201 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
SPX221 Systemic Physiology I
Plus select 1 course from:
COR109 Functional Anatomy
COR110 Introduction to Sports Medicine
COR111 Communication and Thought

Semester 2, 2011

SPX202 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
SPX212 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
SPX211 Biomechanics I
LFS202 Exercise Prescription and Programming

Semester 1, 2012

SPX231 Exercise Physiology I
SPX300 Systemic Physiology II #
SPX322 Motor Control and Learning
SPX331 Clinical Placement

Semester 2, 2012

SPX222 Biomechanics II
SPX301 Exercise Physiology II
SPX302 Sports Psychology
SPX312 Cardiorespiratory Health and Rehabilitation

Semester 1, 2013

LFS303 Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
LFS251 Performance Enhancement
SPX401A Pathophysiology #
SPX401B Biochemistry #

Semester 2, 2013

BIM263 Advanced Professional Experience for Exercise Science
SPX352 Advanced Professional Experience for Exercise Science
SPX401C Introduction to Pharmacology #
SPX401D Sports Nutrition #

# Course Coordinator approval required.

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