Major teaching area
Required science courses:
COR111 Teaching Primary School Mathematics *
LFS100 The Global Teacher*
MTH101 Diversity and the Exceptional Child *
SCI105 Literacy and Literature within the Primary Curriculum *
SCI107 Sustainable Teaching Practices *
SCI110 The Primary Curriculum: Holistic Design
Required related courses:
CHM202 Workplace Learning: Refining the Craft of Teaching *
CHM212 Workplace Learning: Growing the Teacher Within *
Plus select 4 courses from: (subject to availability)
BIM341 Advanced Social Research
LFS251 Engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
NUT232 Climate Change Adaptation
NUT311 Climate Change Mitigation Theory and Practice
SCI302 Climatic and Hydrological Systems
or any advanced level chemistry-related course as approved by the Dean.