SEC300 Cyber Security and Threat Intelligence | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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SEC300 Cyber Security and Threat Intelligence

This course offers an in-depth exploration of vulnerability and threat intelligence assessments in the context of networked systems and protected devices. Cyber Security is an ever-evolving field, and understanding the methods for identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities and threats is crucial to safeguarding critical information assets. Throughout the course, students will gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience to assess, prioritise, and respond to potential cyber risks effectively

Course detail

SEC200 or SEC301
Semester of offer Subject to change
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
  • Moreton Bay: Semester 2
  • Online: Semester 2
Tuition fee
2.2A:Computing, Built Environment, Other Health
Census date
Academic Calendar
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Course outline

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Students enrolled in this course should check the course Canvas site to ensure that they are accessing the most recent approved version of the course outline.