Bridging courses | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Bridging courses

If you don’t have the entry requirements for your chosen degree, or haven't studied in a while, UniSC's free bridging course is for you.

Tertiary Preparation Pathway

The Tertiary Preparation Pathway (TPP) is UniSC's bridging course. If you: 

  • didn't complete Year 12,
  • don't have any qualifications that will give you a selection rank, or
  • need to complete a subject prerequisite, 

TPP can help you gain entry to your dream degree.

Think uni is not for you? Think again.

A free bridging course is your pathway.

Study for free

TPP courses are free for domestic students (Australian citizens, permanent residents and Australian Permanent Humanitarian visa holders, and New Zealand citizens) and are Youth Allowance/Austudy approved.

Indigenous TPP students may be eligible for an Indigenous Commonwealth scholarship.

For International TPP fees, visit International student fees.

Prepare for uni

TPP helps you brush up on essential study skills like critical reading, assignment writing and referencing. You'll study in small classes with supportive teachers who are here to help you succeed. Students who complete TPP tell us they feel more prepared for an undergraduate degree, and go on to get better grades.

You can also use TPP to complete subject prerequisites for degrees in Education, Engineering, Computer Science, Occupational Therapy and Law. For more information visit Recommended TPP courses for UniSC programs.

Flexible study options

TPP courses are available at: 

  • UniSC Sunshine Coast
  • UniSC Moreton Bay
  • UniSC Caboolture
  • UniSC Fraser Coast
  • UniSC Gympie
  • Online 

You can study up to four TPP courses (or subjects) overall. TPP courses are offered in Semester 1 (starting in February), Semester 2 (starting in July) and Session 8 (intensive summer session, starting in November). Your weekly timetable depends on how many TPP courses you study.

You can study full time or part time, and all courses have an online study option to fit in with your life.

(Note: International TPP students must enrol full time.)

Successfully completing TPP gives you a selection rank you can use to apply for university study. It also builds your knowledge and confidence in the subject areas you’ll need for your degree, like maths, science or business.

Apply now and study in 2024

Where can TPP take you?


Former TPP student and trade-qualified electrician, now studying a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (Honours)

"After high school I tried lots of different jobs: hospitality, real estate, sales. In 2015, I found my way into an electrical apprenticeship and loved it.


"I had always liked science and maths at high school, so it felt like a natural progression to study at uni. But it had been almost eight years since I'd studied. TPP bridged things like how to structure assignments, how to write essays, and refreshed my knowledge of things like maths.

"I also loved the learning style of TPP: there are very small class sizes, so you get that hands-on, personal experience, the teachers know your name and you're way more comfortable asking questions."


Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) graduate, now studying Medicine

“I always wanted to go to uni, but I didn’t have an OP and I wasn’t sure I could. I had been working as a driller in the mines, but I didn’t want to be a FIFO worker anymore – I wanted a career at home.


"It took a redundancy and some strong encouragement from a friend who was studying at UniSC to gain the courage to enrol in TPP, which has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.

"I credit TPP with giving me the confidence I needed going into my degree."