Join us as we put Australia at the forefront of international best practice – a joint venture between UniSC, University of Queensland, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, and Forest and Wood Products Australia. Opportunities also exist for short-term exchanges with other laboratories to complete the research.
The team work hard, but also ensure they have time to get to know each other outside of work. If this is a team you would like to join as a staff member, student, volunteer or visitor then we are interested in hearing from you.
For queries regarding partnering or visiting us, please email Tripti Singh.
Industry in Residence
The National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life needs to work closely with industry to identify gaps and opportunities for innovation in timber durability and design life.
We want to host industry staff who have the support of their organisation for two- to six-month residences, working alongside our researchers and contributing to the objectives of the Centre. If you are interested, email with the following information:
- Name
- Business Name
- Email address
- Short biography including education, prior professional positions, and a brief summary of your interests
- Dates of planned residency
- Expectations of residency
- Support requested
Visiting Scholars
The Centre is looking to host at least two visitors per year for two to three months in Australia. Visitors need to be internationally recognised and will provide seminars, initiate short- and long-term tests, work with industry groups, provide strategic advice to the Centre Director, partners and advisory board, and be a valued member of the team.
If you are interested in visiting us, email with the following information:
- Name
- Current affiliation
- Email address
- Short biography including education, prior professional positions, and a brief summary of primary research interests
- Dates of planned visit
- Expected activities while in Australia
- Expected outcomes from the visit
- Support Requested
Volunteer Opportunities
We have a range of volunteering opportunities across the National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life. If you are interested in volunteering, email our administration team: with the following:
- Name
- Current School/College/University (if applicable)
- Email address
- Short biography including education, prior professional positions, and a brief summary of interests in the National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life
- Dates of planned visit
- Expected activities while with the Centre
- Expected outcomes from volunteering
- Support Requested
UniSC has many opportunities to provide you with knowledge, skills and experiences that will enable you to make your mark in your chosen career. Not sure what program to study or interested to know what UniSC can offer you? Explore programs.
The National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life have a range of study and scholarship options. Check out "Study With Us"
Scholarship Opportunities
The Australian National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life aims to recruit highly motivated students interested in pursuing PhD's in wood deterioration and its prevention. There are several scholarships currently available.
The Centre is based in Brisbane, Australia, and is a joint venture between the UniSC, the University of Queensland and the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF). Students will be based at the UniSC Southbank campus and will operate in laboratory facilities operated by QDAF.
Highly qualified students will receive a stipend and tuition waiver to support their studies.
Possible research areas include, but are not limited to:
- Novel methods for assessing heartwood durability
- Fungal colonisation patterns in decayed wood
- Improved methods for assessing durability
- Developing predictive durability models
- Developing improved methods for timber preservation
Interested parties should contact: Tripti Singh, Director, National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life at
Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work with researchers across Australia as well as Europe and North America to help craft the Centre. Opportunities also exist for short-term exchanges with other laboratories.