Forest Industries Research Centre | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Forest Industries Research Centre

New Zealand forest

Focused on issues as they relate to the forestry value chain, thus the economic and environmental sustainability of forest industries.

Our Vision 

To conduct world class research with collaborating industry, national and international partners to:

  • Improve the understanding of increasingly complex forestry value chains
  • Expand the knowledge of how the links of the value chain interact and how they can be managed to add value
  • Develop a clearer understanding of its place and impact within the broader forest value network which encompasses all the values of a forest

Our Expertise is in:

  • Optimised forest supply chain planning and management
  • Biomass/bioenergy supply chain systems and management
  • Subtropical forest and plantation management systems
  • Forest industry pest and disease management including biological control systems
  • Tropical and subtropical plantation species selection and breeding
  • Plantation and regrowth timber processing for engineered wood products

Research Areas

Forest plantation
Forest Resource Improvement and Establishment

The forest value chain relies on building and improving forest resources in both plantations and native forests. This includes managing plantations and native forests to maximise tree health.


Large tree in a forest
Forest and Health Management

Forest and Health Management is critical to a sustainable industry, as site-tree-pest interactions can reduce the establishment, survival, growth, form and quality of wood production.


Wood stumps
Processing and Utilisation

Large variation in wood properties available from hardwood and softwood plantations and from native forest resources requires innovative composite and engineered product solutions to maximize both product quality and value.


Harvest and Haulage

Due to high cost of harvesting/haulage operations it is essential to maximise the work efficiency of each component which can be achieved through innovative research solutions provided by our world class research team (AFORA)


Key Partnerships 

Researchers in Agriculture for International Development (RAID)

RAID is an Australian-based network of researchers involved in international agricultural research for development.

Australian Forest Operations Research Alliance (AFORA)

AFORA is an alliance established by the University of the Sunshine Coast with Australian forest industry stakeholders to continue the collaborative forest supply chain research established by the CRC for Forestry.

Forest Pest Management (FPM) Research Consortium

The FPM Research Consortium operate from the University of the Sunshine Coast Forest Research Institute, representing RDC forest growers, chemical companies & forest research interests in Australia.



FIRC collaborate with several research partners who are invaluable to our research.

Research Members

Our members believe a multidiscipline approach is the best way to understand and identify value in these interactions.

Research Students

FIRC provides exciting and rewarding research opportunities for Higher Degree by Research students, early and mid-career researchers, research fellows and our collaborating partners. Find out about our students, current research topics and opportunities to study with us.

Contact Us

For more information please visit our contact page for details.

To contact key members directly, visit their page by clicking on their profile.