Study Hub | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Study Hub

Study Hub membership is available to students and staff at other Australian universities whose university library is a participant of the University Libraries of Australia and New Zealand (ULANZ) membership scheme.


  • Library Access: 24/7 access to four UniSC libraries with your UniSC Visitor ID Card.
  • Borrowing: You can borrow hardcopy items in person. Check the Library Borrowing Conditions for details.
  • Computer access: Each campus is provided with a Study Hub PC in the library you can use to access your University's resources.
  • Wifi access: Access to campus-wide Eduroam (Wifi) while on campus.

Note: Study Hub membership does not provide access to UniSC Library databases.

Important points about Study Hub
  • Cost: Free
  • Eligibility: Membership is available to students and staff at participating ULANZ membership libraries.
  • Valid for: All registrations expire on 28 February of the year following registration.
Safety and security

SafeUniSC Security are available 24/7 at any of our campuses. Security can be contacted on 5430 1168 to request assistance or report anything. The University of the Sunshine Coast uses the SafeZone App as our safety app which provides a direct link to our security team 24 hours a day.

ULANZ is a Library borrowing scheme that allows staff and students of Australian and New Zealand universities to borrow in person from any other participating university library. The scheme is a cooperative arrangement between CAUL (Council of Australian University Librarians) and CONZUL (Council of New Zealand University Librarians).

How to apply for Study Hub

Step 1. Submit a Study Hub application.

Step 2. Create a UniSC account.

Step 3. Complete the Health, Safety and Wellbeing training.

Step 4. Collect your UniSC Visitor ID card.

Note: Check your inbox regularly as you’ll receive emails through each stage of your application.

Supporting documents for your Study Hub application

Please provide proof of enrolment and a photo suitable for your photo ID.

Acceptable proof of enrolment for Current Student:

  • Official/Unofficial Academic transcript

Acceptable proof of employment for Current Staff:

  • Current staff ID card

Your photo must meet the following specifications:

  • Photos must be a colour, JPEG file.
  • Photos should be portrait orientation, no larger than 200KB.
  • Background should be plain and light-coloured.
  • Your face must be centred, looking straight at the camera and not tilted in any direction.
  • No filters, sunglasses, hats or headwear are permitted (headwear for religious reasons may be worn).
  • Your shoulders must be clearly visible, and no other person or your hands should be visible in the photo.

Your photo will be reviewed to ensure it meets specifications. If your photo is not suitable, you will be asked to resubmit a suitable one.

For any questions or queries please contact

Study Hub Application Form

Supporting Documentation
Privacy Statement

The University of the Sunshine Coast collects, stores and uses personal information only for the purposes of administering student and prospective student admissions, enrolment and education. The information collected is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except to meet government, legal or other regulatory authority requirements. For further information consult the University’s Information Management Framework - Governing Policy at

Terms and Conditions

Study Hub participants will, when using or upon the University’s premises or facilities, strictly comply with all reasonable directions and procedures including those relating to security and workplace health and safety which are in effect at those premises or in regard to those facilities and will comply with the University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 (Qld) and any policies or procedures promulgated by the University including but not limited to, the Conduct on University Premises – Conditions of Entry, Acceptably Use of ICT Resources – Governing Policy, Parking – Operational Policy and Conditions of Parking as varied or replaced.