Information and Communication Technology Placements | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Information and Communication Technology Placements

Undergraduate WIL Opportunities -

Information Technology and Computer Science


A workplace learning internship in Information Technology and Computer Science is a pivotal opportunity for students already immersed in these fields. By gaining hands-on experience, collaborating with professionals, and applying your skills in real-world scenarios, you can bridge the gap between theory and practice, enhance your technical expertise, and gain a competitive edge in the industry.

Students should seek their own organisation for placement or request assistance from the Course Coordinator at

Employers are looking for graduates with work experience who can quickly play a significant role and help the organisation achieve its objectives. Undertaking WPL310 or WPL320, work placement as part of your UniSC undergraduate degree helps you prepare to meet these expectations.


Postgraduate WIL Opportunities -

Information Technology and Computer Science 


For students completing a Master of Cyber Security and Forensics or Master of Information and Communications Technology embrace this transformative experience to shape a successful career and cultivate valuable industry connections. Postgraduates can apply and extend the skills and knowledge through a research project, industry-based project, or work placement/simulation related to your discipline by enrolling in SCI700 or SCI701.

Students should request assistance from the Course Coordinator at Anthony Bedford and relevant Placement Officer at

Work Placements are available during Trimester 1, Trimester 2 and Trimester 3.

Applications for placement are required to be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the respective Trimester for placement.


Students undertake a diverse range of placements according to their program, career path and interests. Placements may be undertaken either locally, interstate or overseas according to your program and placement availability.

Visit Managing your progression for instructions on how to check whether you have room in your program for a WPL course.

Each placement has inherent requirements that may be specified by the host organisation and/or UniSC to enable you to undertake placement. Requirements may include but are not restricted to construction card, criminal history check, immunisation, current first aid certificate and Blue Card (working with children check). Students can upload their mandatory check documentation and check the current status of their mandatory requirements using Sonia online.

Undergraduate students undertaking WPL have the option of completing work integrated learning appropriate to their discipline area in the form of industry work placements. Common durations of the work placements are:

  • 96 hours for WPL310 Workplace Learning I
  • 192 hours for WPL320 Workplace Learning II

WPL Placements are available during semesters 1 and 2 as well as sessions 1, 5 and 8.

Postgraduate students undertaking work integrated learning appropriate to their discipline area in the form of industry work placements. Common durations of the work placements are SCI Placement are available during Trimester 1,2 and 3.

Applications for domestic placement are required to be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the respective session or semester for placement.

Applications for International placement are required to be submitted at least 6 months prior to the respective session or semester for placement.

Remuneration and Insurance

No remuneration or payment is made by the placement organisation to the students or to the University for hosting the student. Students undertaking an approved workplace learning course are covered by the University’s insurance policies. Insurance information for students is available here.

How to Apply

Students should seek their own organisation for placement or request assistance from the Course Coordinator at and Placement Officer at  

Frequently Asked Questions
Are there international opportunities for placement?

Are there international opportunities for placement?

Short Term Study Overseas placements require 6 months notice. Interested students must have a GPA4.5 or higher, must contact the WPL Course Coordinator at and Placement Officers at within this time-frame.

Are there assessment requirements in placement?

Are there assessment requirements in placement?

Students are required to set learning objectives and maintain a daily reflective journal on their placement experience which will be assessed by the WPL Course Coordinator. Your placement supervisor will also complete a report on your activities and performance.