Application for UniSC Asylum Seeker Scholarship | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Application for UniSC Asylum Seeker Scholarship


To be eligible to apply, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • A commencing undergraduate or postgraduate student undertaking study at UniSC;
  • Must be a holder of one of the following Australian visas:
    • Bridging Visa A (subclass 010)
    • Bridging Visa E (subclass 050)
    • Temporary Protection Visa (subclass 785)
    • Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (subclass 790)
    • Temporary Humanitarian Stay Visa (subclass 449)
    • Temporary Humanitarian Concern Visa (subclass 786)
  • Financial need
Selection Criteria

The scholarship will be awarded based on the following selection criteria:

  • Financial need
  • Other equity considerations and circumstances
  • Personal statement

Each scholarship will fully cover the international student tuition fees for any undergraduate or postgraduate program that a recipient is eligible to enter at UniSC plus include a stipend of $4,000 per year (pro-rata for part-time study) plus $1,000 one-off upfront payment in the first year.

Application form

Student information
Visa type
Program of study
Financial need

If yes, please supply 3 current consecutive payslips.

Supporting documentation

Your application will not be assessed without supporting documentation.

Submit personal statement and upload statement of support
Privacy Statement

The University of the Sunshine Coast collects, stores and uses personal information only for the purposes of administering student and prospective student admissions, enrolment and education. The information collected is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except to meet government, legal or other regulatory authority requirements. For further information consult the University’s Information Management Framework - Governing Policy.

