Application for suspension of studies (international students) | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Application for suspension of studies (international students)

This form should be used by international students only. Domestic students should apply for a leave of absence.

Prior to submitting this application for suspension of studies, international students should discuss their situation with Student Central. Higher Degree by Research students wishing to apply for suspension of studies should also contact the Office of Research. An international student may only be granted suspension of studies for one study period at a time. Suspensions of study are limited to a maximum of two study periods in total.


International students may only be granted a suspension of studies under the following circumstances:

  • Medical reasons (evidenced by a registered medical practitioner completing the USC Medical Certificate (PDF 49KB) 
  • Exceptional compassionate circumstances beyond the student’s control

Note: If exceptional circumstances exist, students may wish to meet with counselling staff in Student Wellbeing prior to submitting an application for suspension of studies.

Application submission timeline

If you want the suspension of studies to take effect for a study period that has already commenced, you are required to withdraw from all course(s) in that study period. This may result in financial liability and/or academic penalty, depending on the time of submission.

Check important dates in the Academic Calendar and the Student fees, charges and refunds procedures for grade and financial impacts associated with suspension of studies taken during a study period.

  • Before census date: Your enrolled course(s) will be removed from your academic record and you will receive no grade for those courses removed.
  • After census date and prior to the end of week 9 of the study period*: Your enrolled course(s) remains on your academic record and you will be given a grade of “WN (Withdrawn)” and financial liability**.
  • After week 9 of study period* and prior to the start of the examination period: Your enrolled course(s) remains on your academic record and you will be given a grade of “WF (Withdrawn Fail)” and financial liability**.
Student visa holders

Please note if this application is approved, the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) will be notified of the change to your enrolment and this may affect the validity of your Student visa. DOHA may investigate the circumstances of your suspension. If the suspension is deemed unacceptable, the validity of your Student visa may be affected. It is recommended you discuss your intentions to suspend your studies with DOHA prior to lodging this application.

Note: Application for suspension of studies after the start of the examination period is not accepted.

* Equivalent in session or trimester

** If you wish to apply for removal of financial liability, please submit 'Application for Withdrawal from Course Due to Special Circumstances' to Student Central.

Get in touch

Personal information
Period of suspension of studies

I request suspension of studies to take effect from:

Statement of circumstances
Supporting documentation

The following documentation MUST be provided with this application:

  • USC Medical Certificate completed by registered medical practitioner, and

  • Personal statement of exceptional compassionate circumstances and appropriate evidence of these

Student declaration

By submitting this form, I declare that:

  • to the best of my knowledge the information supplied is correct and complete. I acknowledge that incomplete information may result in the application being returned to me.

  • I understand that formal communications at USC are provided electronically and will be sent to my University email account.

  • I have included documentation that supports my application for suspension of studies.

  • I understand that upon approval of this application DOHA will be notified of the change to my enrolment at USC and this may affect the validity of my Student visa (if applicable).

Privacy statement

The University of the Sunshine Coast collects, stores and uses personal information only for the purposes of administering student and prospective student admissions, enrolment and education. The information collected is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except to meet government, legal or other regulatory authority requirements. For further information consult the University’s Privacy policy at: Information is also collected on this form in order to meet our obligations under the ESOS Act and the National Code 2007; as applies to Student visa holders, to ensure student compliance with the conditions of their visas and their obligations under Australian immigration laws generally. The authority to collect this information is contained in the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, the Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2001 and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007. This information can be provided, in certain circumstances, to the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the Tuition Assurance Scheme and the ESOS Assurance Fund Manager.