Boys-to-Men | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Boys-to-Men is a 6-week program that has been developed through careful consultation with Elders, community leaders, students, parents, schools and Community. The program targets Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school male students to enhance cultural identity and to strengthen their connection to culture. This program benefits male students as they grow into young men and become leaders in their community. Each week, the students participate in cultural activities with other strong male mentors/leaders in the community.

This program is currently available in the Fraser Coast Region only.

The sessions are delivered by UniSC Buallum Jarl-Bah (BJB) staff as well as local Traditional Custodians and experienced guest facilitators. Topics covered include Connection to Culture, health and well-being, language and dance, bush tucker, and storytelling/significant sites.

Audience: Years 7 to 12

Curriculum Alignment

  • Critical and Creative thinking, Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical and Inter-cultural understanding
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures

Funding Source: Indigenous Student Success Program 

For more information: contact