Events and initiatives | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Events and initiatives

Engage with our graduates

Choosing to partner with us gives you the opportunity to get involved in a variety of events and initiatives that we launch throughout the year. Our Careers and Employability team provide a range of opportunities for industry and the community to engage our graduates. These offerings provide a great way for you to promote your organisation while directly connecting with our students, alumni and staff.

iEngage careers events

Employer events are a valuable opportunity for employers to promote their brand and network with students. iEngage events are delivered in multiple formats, including: individual employer events to industry panel discussions, face to face or online, industry projects and Q&A sessions. What they have in common is a career and industry learning focus, connecting our students to you and the opportunities available.

Guest lectures

We invite a range of industry professionals to empower our students by sharing their professional sector and discipline-based knowledge. The ability to get in touch with top-performing organisational leaders helps our students to make wise career decisions, diversify their networks, and gain understanding of how to apply their theoretical and experiential knowledge to industry.


Our students and graduates are job ready. If you have a paid employment opportunity that would suit a student or graduate, whether it be casual, part time or full time, you can advertise directly to UniSC students using these two platforms. To advertise a job opportunity, register your company's details on Student Hub and add vacancies for students to search.

Promote your own event

If you're hosting your own career learning or information event such as: Graduate Program Information evening, a recruitment information session or “what is it like to work with X” event; we can help you advertise this directly to UniSC students. Creating your event on our Student Hub will advertise this directly where students look for these types of opportunities.