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The blak laundry
Closing event
The Blak Laundry Takeover Richard Bell's Embassy
11-1pm Saturday 4 May 2024

Join local laundros Libby Harward (Quandamooka) and Dom Chen (Gamilaroi) for a Blak Laundry takeover. The Blak Laundry is a functional laundromat, living artwork and ‘relational enterprise’ celebrating all things Blak.

Bring your washing, bring your banggu ($$) and help share the load.

This agitation session will be held in Richard Bell's Embassy, an itinerant roving embassy made in homage to the audacity and strength of the first Aboriginal Tent Embassy pitched on the grounds of Parliament House, Canberra in 1972.

Presented for OCCURRENT AFFAIR, a UQ Art Museum exhibition touring with Museums & Galleries of NSW. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its arts funding and advisory body.

The Blak Laundry. Photo: Ketakii Jewson-Brown

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