Adjunct and Visiting Appointments - Operational Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Adjunct and Visiting Appointments - Operational Policy

1. Purpose of policy

1.1 Adjunct and Visiting appointments enable the University to confer titles of recognition to acknowledge the collaborative contributions made to teaching, research, engagement and professional leadership by individuals who are not employed by the University. Such contributions enrich the student experience while advancing the University’s Learning and Teaching, and Research goals. This policy sets out the conditions of appointment and mutual obligations of Adjunct and Visiting Appointees at the University.

2. Policy scope and application

2.1 This policy outlines the types of appointment that may be granted to an individual in recognition of their association with, or contribution to, the University, and the purpose, criteria and general conditions related to Adjunct and Visiting Academic and Professional appointments. Current staff are not considered for appointment under the terms of this policy.

3. Definitions

Refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for definitions as they specifically relate to policy documents.

Adjunct Appointee is an individual who has significant links with representatives of industry, the professions and the wider community, other research establishments, or other Universities, or can be a retired staff member of this or another university, whose expertise and contribution will benefit the teaching, research, or other relevant activities of the University.

Visiting Appointee is a scholar who will make a substantial commitment to the teaching or research of the University. The Visiting Appointee is normally an academic staff member of another university or research institution.

Fellow Appointee is an individual who normally possess educational or professional, vocational or industrial qualifications or expertise that would benefit the operations of the University, including its education, research, industrial or professional activities.

Appointee means an Adjunct Appointee, a Visiting Appointee or Fellow Appointee.

4. Policy Statement

4.1 The University supports appointments as Appointees in a teaching or research capacity as well as in other approved roles. Appointment to an Adjunct or Visiting role will depend on the strategic value to the University, the contributions currently being made or likely to be made by the nominee to teaching or research and the nominee’s qualifications or experience that enable the Appointee to make contributions to the work of the University.

4.2 One of the following titles are to be used for Appointees:

(a) Adjunct or Visiting Professor in discipline;

(b) Adjunct or Visiting Associate Professor in discipline;

(c) Adjunct or Visiting Senior Lecturer in discipline;

(d) Adjunct or Visiting Lecturer in discipline;

(e) Adjunct or Visiting Associate Lecturer;

(f) Visiting Scholar (for students);

(g) Adjunct or Visiting Fellow in discipline;

(h) Industry Fellow;

(i) Clinical Fellow; or

(j) Professional staff appointments will reflect an appropriate title relevant to the individual.

5. Policy

5.1 Appointees are bound by the Staff Code of Conduct – Governing Policy but are not covered by the Enterprise Agreement. Appointees are accountable to the Cost Centre Manager or delegate for the work area to which they are appointed and are subject to their directions. Any failure in respect of following these directions can result in the immediate termination of the appointment. Access to and use of University facilities and resources will be as determined by the relevant work area and the ICT Access Control – Governing Policy, including access to a University email account and library user access.

5.2 Appointees contribute to the academic activities of the University on a voluntary basis, without remuneration in the form of salary. Responsibilities expected to be completed by Adjunct Appointees, include, but are not limited to:

(a) mentoring and providing guidance to other academics;

(b) liaising with community or other external stakeholder bodies on behalf of the University;

(c) advocating on behalf of the University;

(d) being a Consultant Supervisor for Higher Degree by Research candidates;

(e) guest lecturing;

(f) playing an ambassadorial role; and

(g) serving on Committees.

5.3 Appointees can receive remuneration from the University for other duties while holding these positions through a casual or consulting position. Any appointments as staff must not conflict with the specific tasks or responsibilities required under the Adjunct or Visiting appointment

5.4 For all purposes of courtesy and on ceremonial occasions, Appointees are regarded as academic or professional staff members of the relevant work area and the University.

5.5 Appointees are not eligible to vote for, or be elected as, staff representative members of the Academic Board or Council.

5.6 Appointees can, subject to normal approval processes, be eligible to serve as a Consultant Supervisor of Higher Degree by Research students. Appointees involved in research associated with the University are required to conduct research in accordance with the Responsible Research Conduct – Governing Policy and all other relevant University policy documents.

5.7 Appointees must assign any intellectual property created in the course of the appointment to the University where the Appointee participates:

(a) in projects that are externally funded, where the University will have contractual obligations to third parties; or

(b) in projects that have commercialisation potential or objectives, where the University may seek to commercialise the intellectual property arising from the project; or

(c) in a program of work or research which has been funded internally with UniSC resources, including but not limited to staff salary, the University’s infrastructure, the University’s equipment, research consumables and in-kind contributions.

5.8 The University may require the Appointee to do anything reasonably necessary to give effect to this assignment including, without limitation, signing any documents required to confirm the assignment. The University will not assert ownership over intellectual property created by the Appointee for another employer of the Appointee (or other third party) to the extent that the Appointee in advance notifies the relevant Cost Centre Manager of the Appointee’s other employment, and intellectual property generated as part of that employment.

5.9 If the Appointee brings pre-existing intellectual property to the University to be used in the course of the appointment, the Appointee will provide evidence of ownership to the University prior to using that pre-existing intellectual property for teaching, research, scholarship or in relation to commercialisation.

5.10 Prior to commencement of this appointment, or as soon as practical after appointment, the Appointee must provide to the Cost Centre Manager and have recorded in an approved records management system:

(a) an inventory of any pre-existing intellectual property; and

(b) all documents relating to the ownership of any pre-existing intellectual property, including any contracts, licensing agreements, policies in place at previous or current employers, or other relevant documents.

5.11The University’s access to the Appointee’s materials may be necessary to enable the University to deliver the courses in which the Appointee’s materials are used. If the Appointee’s materials are used in the course of the Appointee’s appointment at the University, the Appointee must grant a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to the University to use the Appointee’s materials for all purposes connected with delivery of courses and teaching programs by the University, even after this appointment ceases.

5.12 Appointees must make explicit acknowledgement of the University affiliation in the course of all relevant activities and the products of those activities. Publications, grant applications, contracts, and other scholarly work grants arising from the University affiliation must include explicit acknowledgement of the University.

5.13 Appointees are required to maintain the confidentiality of any information disclosed by the University and must not, without the prior consent of the University, directly or indirectly disclose such confidential information to any third parties.

5.14 When the appointment concludes, Appointees are no longer able to use the relevant title.

6. Appointment Conditions

6.1 Adjunct Appointment Conditions

6.1.1 A person who has been made redundant from the University within the preceding two years cannot be appointed as an Adjunct Appointee. Any exceptions to this require written approval from the Vice-Chancellor and President.

6.1.2 Adjunct Appointees can concurrently hold a position in another government institution, a research agency, the private sector, not for profit sectors, or another University. Adjunct Appointees who are not employed by another university will attribute their post-appointment academic publications to the University. Given the privileges afforded to Adjunct Appointees, explicit acknowledgement of the University affiliation must be provided during all relevant activities and the products of those activities, including clear acknowledgement on publications.

6.1.3 Adjunct Appointees must be deemed to have reached a level of achievement in their field of expertise equivalent to the level of achievement required for the corresponding substantive level at the University. The Adjunct Appointee must have the capacity to undertake any duties associated with the relevant title.

6.1.4 Appointments are for a defined period not exceeding three years.

6.2 Visiting Appointment Conditions

6.2.1 Appointments are made for the period of the visit to the University, which cannot be for less than four weeks and not exceed the period of one year.

6.2.2 Visiting Appointees from overseas require a relevant visa for the duration of their appointment.

6.3 Fellow Appointment Conditions

6.3.1 'Fellow' can be the title of choice when the primary role will be to perform or support specific research or teaching activities.

6.3.2 ‘Industry Fellow’ can be used for Adjunct Appointees without a traditional academic background and for whom a mainstream academic title is not appropriate.

6.3.3 ‘Clinical Fellow’ can be applied for practitioners who diagnose or treat patients in clinical settings, including physicians, nurses, dentists, podiatrists, pharmacists, psychologists, veterinarians, and other allied health professionals. It cannot be considered for alternative health practitioners.

(a) A Clinical Fellow has a primary appointment with a health service provider, who because of their clinical expertise makes a significant contribution to the clinical teaching or research within the University.

(b) Appointment as a Clinical Fellow is subject to maintaining appointment with a health service provider and any relevant professional registrations.

6.3.4 All Fellow appointments are for a defined period not exceeding three years.

7. Appointment Process

7.1 All recommendations, including renewal of existing appointments, must be initiated using the Adjunct and Visiting Appointment Recommendation Form (staff login required). The procedural workflow is available on MyUniSC (staff login required).

7.2 The Nominating Work Area Representative or the Cost Centre Manager are responsible for completing the recommendation.

7.3 The Cost Centre Manager must ensure legal advice is sought from Legal Services if the proposed Appointee is employed by a foreign government entity or foreign university, or in case of foreign interference concerns.

7.4 The Cost Centre Manager submits the recommendation and the prospective Appointee’s CV to the Director, People and Culture or delegate who will then process the recommendation to the relevant Executive Member for approval.

7.5 On approval from the relevant Executive Member, People and Culture will prepare a letter of invitation for the Appointee. The relevant Cost Centre Manager or delegate will be notified once the offer has been accepted or declined.

7.6 Where ICT access is required for the Appointee, then the Cost Centre Manger or delegate may request an affiliate account via UniSC Connect (staff login required) in accordance with the ICT Access Control – Operational Policy.

8. Reimbursement of expenses

8.1 Reasonable expenses will be reimbursed where prior approval has been received. Any costs will be met from the nominating work area.

9. Authorities/Responsibilities

9.1 Recordkeeping

9.1.1 All Appointees will be recorded centrally in People and Culture. All records must be captured by all staff, at every stage of this activity, and should provide reliable and accurate evidence of business decisions and actions. All records must be captured in an approved records management system, in accordance with the Information and Records Management – Procedures.

9.2 The following authorities/responsibilities are delegated under this policy:


University Officer/Committee

Recommend Adjunct and Visiting Appointments

Cost Centre Manager or delegate

Approve Adjunct and Visiting Appointments

Relevant Executive Member

Grant exception to the requirement that adjuncts cannot be appointed to the University if they have been made redundant from the University within the preceding two years.

Vice-Chancellor and President