Free flu vaccinations | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Free flu vaccinations

Flu vaccinations provide effective protection from the adverse effects of the flu and can help prevent illness that impacts on your study and work commitments.

Free flu vaccinations for all Queensland residents in 2024

All Queensland residents over the age of 6 months can access the influenza vaccine for free in 2024. A Medicare card is not required.

The Queensland Government is funding the free flu vaccination program until 30 September 2024.

Students and staff can choose to be vaccinated at any pharmacy or medical centre that conducts flu vaccinations.


Flu facts
  • The influenza (flu) vaccine does not protect against COVID-19
  • Annual vaccination is a safe and effective way to reduce your risk of getting flu.
  • You cannot get flu from the vaccine—it does not contain any live viruses. If you get sick after you receive a flu injection it is likely you had already been exposed to the virus before the vaccination.
  • Everyone who comes into contact with the flu virus is at risk of getting sick regardless of their level of health and fitness.
  • Natural immunity is no guarantee of protection. The flu virus changes constantly and there is no guarantee that your body will have built up immunity to the coming strains of flu.
  • Vitamins are not guaranteed to protect you against the flu. There is no conclusive evidence that Vitamin C or Echinacea will reduce the risk of getting flu.
  • Antibiotics do not work against viruses like influenza.
More information

Further information on the Influenza virus is available at the following websites:

Contact Student Wellbeing for more information.