Dr Min Zhao | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Dr Min Zhao

  • UniSC Senior Research Fellow
  • Senior Lecturer, Genomics
+61 7 5456 3402
Office location
Sunshine Coast
Min Zhao


Dr. Min Zhao is a UniSC Senior Research Fellow focusing on bioinformatics and genomics. Dr. Zhao graduated from Peking University in 2009 with a PhD. With a solid bioinformatics and systems biology background, Dr Zhao was offered a Postdoctoral Research Fellow position at Vanderbilt University, USA. During this period, Dr. Zhao focused on the analysis and integration of high-throughput genomic, transcriptome, and literature data in complex diseases.

With interdisciplinary experience, Dr. Zhao joined UniSC as a UniSC Research Fellow in 2014. Dr. Zhao has led an emerging group to integrate multiple dimensional data generated (genome, transcriptome, and proteomics data) in the GeneCology Research Centre. In 2018, Dr. Zhao was promoted to UniSC Senior Research Fellow. Dr. Zhao has primarily supervised four PhD students and co-supervised another two PhD students at UniSC. He has co-authored 85 scientific publications with a total of 2500 citations. The five-year citation is above 2200 and H-index in five years is 22.

Dr. Zhao is in the editorial board member of PLoS One, Peer J, Peer J computer science and has been invited to review manuscripts from those leading journals in bioinformatics field such as Nucleic acids research and Bioinformatics. He also has been appointed as Program Committee members for six international bioinformatics conferences.

Research grants

Project Name Funding Body
Feasibility of a breeding program for the giant triton sea snail (Charonia tritonis) Australian Institute of Marine Sciences
Harnessing seaweed genes to mitigate methane emissions from livestock Australian Research Council - Discovery

Research areas

  • bioinformatics
  • disease genomics
  • big data integration

Teaching areas

  • Bioinformatics
  • Genetics
  • Calculus
  • Statistics

Dr Min Zhao's specialist areas of knowledge include bioinformatics and genomics.

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