Do you know a Year 11 or 12 student interested in a health career? | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Do you know a Year 11 or 12 student interested in a health career?

Senior high school students can jump start their university degree by enrolling in USC’s Headstart Program, specifically designed for Year 11 and Year 12 students! For example, in late July 2022, Year 11 students can start at USC Caboolture studying our Professional Health Communication course, HLT103.

We ask Karin Medew from USC some questions on the course.

Would you please introduce yourself and what your role is at USC?

Hi, my name is Karin Medew, a Student Success Adviser, USC Caboolture. As a Student Success Adviser, I help students throughout their university study. I support individuals who experience challenges with their study skills or personal wellbeing. I also work closely with academic staff to provide support for assessment tasks. I work with many students to develop their confidence and academic skills as they become self-directed learners in the university environment.

What is the HLT103 Professional Health Communication Course?

HLT103 introduces students to their chosen profession in healthcare. It does this by examining the role of communication as a student and an emerging professional and how effective communication in all its forms shapes personal and professional practice. Students are exposed to knowledge that will help them succeed as a student, developing their academic writing and referencing skills, and working collaboratively in diverse teams. The communication skills developed in this course remain relevant as they enter professional practice, and continue as lifelong learners.

Who is eligible for this course and why do you recommend it?

Students interested in entering healthcare professions such as nursing, midwifery and paramedicine will benefit from this course. They will develop capacity as a student, understand the importance importance of evidence-based and collaborative practice, culturally safe and respectful communication, and professional integrity.

Please explore our website, if you would like to find out more information on this course and Headstart.