LAW403 Evidence | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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LAW403 Evidence

This course introduces you to the sources of evidence law and fundamental principles of evidence law including burdens and standards of proof; the presumption of innocence; relevance; probative value; admissibility, weight, judicial notice, illegally obtained evidence; judicial discretion; judicial directions; judicial warnings; corroboration and public policy. You will examine the rules about oral, documentary and real evidence including the competence and compellability of witnesses; credibility of witnesses; examination of witnesses during the trial process; the role of views; and how to prove documents and real evidence. You will also examine the rules excluding evidence and the exceptions to those rules, for example, privileged, hearsay, implied admissions, circumstantial, similar fact, coincidence, tendency (disposition) evidence, character and opinion.

Course detail

LAW104 and LAW304 and enrolled in a Law Program or AB101, UU301, UU302 or XU301
Semester of offer Subject to change
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
Tuition fee
1.4B:Accounting, Business, Law, Economics, Management
Census date
Academic Calendar
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Course outline

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