Report an issue with access to online Library resources | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Report an issue with access to online Library resources

Before submitting this form, please explore the known outages and troubleshooting suggestions.

If you are still experiencing issues, use this form to provide as much information as possible. This helps us to identify and resolve the problem.

The Library aims to respond to your report within one business day.

Please note:

  • For information about your network username and password, Canvas, email or University staff and student computing facilities contact:
  • Access may be unavailable on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 5-8am AEST for IT maintenance.
  • Some resources require an additional resource specific login. Details available on the Databases page.

Get in touch

Your details
Your issue

Please fill in as many details as possible.

If possible, copy and paste any error messages exactly as they occur, or record as accurately as possible any error messages.
