Student support during COVID-19 | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student support during COVID-19

COVID-19 continues to impact us all in different ways and it can certainly be challenging for many of us. If you have concerns about your academic or personal circumstances, there are many ways USC can support you, so please connect with these services as you need.

Personal support

Student Wellbeing offers a free counselling service and referrals to other relevant personal support or they can assist you in getting access to the right resources to continue your learning online. To connect with Student Wellbeing, please book a call back via Student Hub or by emailing There are also some online resources and strategies developed by the Wellbeing team to assist you to look after your health and wellbeing.

Academic and study support

Our support services and teams continue to offer workshops and appointments and have some great resources on study strategies, academic writing, referencing, communication support and postgraduate support. Any regular face-to-face offerings will be available online during lockdown periods. Weekly Drop-in sessions are back at each campus, usually on campus, however if a lockdown occurs, Drop-in will be held via Zoom. It's a great way to extend your skills by connecting to quick and targeted advice on study strategies and support. Each week during the semester, you’ll be able to connect with a number of teams such as Learning Advisers, Librarians, Student Leaders and more to support your study success. 

Student Success team

If you're not sure where to begin, the Student Success team can connect you with the many resources and services you can access relevant to your personal circumstances, including:

  • resources and services to support you and your studies,
  • advice on balancing study commitments with work, family and life,
  • options if you are having second thoughts about your program or course enrolment,
  • help in dealing with unexpected circumstances that may impact on your studies, and
  • information about your options if you fail a course or experience difficulties with your academic progress.
Student Guild - fresh and frozen food

The USC Student Guild on the Sunshine Coast campus is open for contactless pick up of all our welfare goods by appointment, just email If you need frozen meals, fresh fruit and veg or bread come by the J Block space between 9am and 3pm, Monday-Friday from Monday 10 January 2022. Please check the USC Student Guild Facebook page for updates. 

Visit our Free meals and food relief webpage for information on how to access low-cost groceries, ready-made meals, and the Food Bank at or near the USC Caboolture, USC Fraser Coast. USC Gympie, USC Moreton Bay and USC SouthBank campuses.

Government financial support options to explore

You may be eligible to claim the Queensland COVID-19 Disaster Payment from Saturday 7 August 2021.

We recommend you visit the relevant government websites for the most up-to-date information and eligibility criteria.