Steps to activate your offer and enrol | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Steps to activate your offer and enrol

Undergraduate (Bachelor's degree, associate degree or diploma)

Tertiary Preparation Pathway (TPP)




Cross institutional and Visiting

Higher Degree by Research (HDR)

Military Academic Pathway Program (MAPP)

Microcredential or short course

Congratulations on your offer and welcome to UniSC!

Your next step is to log in to our student enrolment system, USC Central, to formally respond to your offer.

Select your student type from the drop-down box below for instructions on how to do this.

We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to access USC Central. You’ll need to allow pop-ups on your browser to complete these steps. Right-click on any links and select ‘open in a new window’ so you can easily refer back to these instructions.

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