Community - 2007 Edition 3 - Spring | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Community - 2007 Edition 3 - Spring

Community: Edition 3 (Spring) 2007

Vice-Chancellor’s comment

Reports released here and overseas continue to demonstrate unequivocally that graduates find more job options that are better paid and have better career prospects than those without higher education.

It is becoming increasingly tempting in a period of high employment for prospective students to defer or opt out of higher levels of study for which they have qualified, in preference for an immediate income.

Over time, this may not be the best option, and the reports clearly show this to be the case for the majority of students.

Higher education does mean more study and further financial outlays, some of which can be offset by part-time work, as long as the work does not intrude too much into periods of concerted study.

But it is important to remember the life-long benefits, both personally and academically, that derive from higher education.

Our students have consistently rated highly their experiences at USC, which are among the best in the country, largely because of the highly-qualified staff and the “human scale” of the University.

As we approach that time of year when major decisions are being made by school leavers and mature-age students alike about their futures, it is important that these long-term benefits of higher education are not marginalised while considering short-term financial benefits.

There has never been a more important time for people to be knowledgeable and highly-skilled, and universities are best placed to ensure that process is successful.

Professor Paul Thomas AM

Event celebrates teaching and learning achievements

The University of the Sunshine Coast focused its attention on learning and teaching at its annual Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Colloquium on 30 May.

The Colloquium celebrates and explores good practice in learning and teaching at USC and this year’s theme was “the scholarship of teaching”.

More than 100 participants discussed innovation and research in university learning and teaching.

This year’s keynote speaker was Dr Marcia Devlin, a Senior Lecturer in Higher Education at The University of Melbourne. Dr Devlin has an extensive background in teaching and learning development and is nationally regarded for her research into contemporary higher education issues.

The Colloquium provided an opportunity for USC staff to present their own research and to engage in reflection and collaboration with colleagues.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Thomas AM said the Colloquium was an important event which reiterated the importance of learning and teaching.

“Universities centuries ago gained status through great teaching, and there has never been a more important time to reassert its significance, not just in universities but across the educational spectrum,” he said.

News in brief
Honour for USC librarian

Librarian Kate Watson, 27, has become the youngest person elected to the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) board of directors. ALIA is the professional organisation for the Australian library and information services sector and its eight-member board is responsible for policy development on a range of issues. Kate, who is USC’s Regional Universities Building Research Infrastructure Collaboratively (RUBRIC) project coordinator, said she was excited about her two-year term as an ALIA director. “This gives me the opportunity to be proactive in my chosen career,” she said. — Katrina Scott

Entrepreneurs encouraged

Students with entrepreneurial flair will be able to benefit from the USC’s Innovation Centre’s new initiative—the Enterprise Program. This program aims to help motivated students from any faculty turn their passion into their profession. Program coordinator Alison Dique said the program was aimed at students who have the interest, drive and motivation to start their own businesses one day. She said students could participate in the Enterprise Program through taking up a new minor course of study or by attending exciting activities held outside the classroom.

The planned Entrepreneurship Minor will start in Semester 1, 2008. For further information telephone +61 7 5459 4567.

University opens impressive stadium

Sporting groups are lining up to use the University of the Sunshine Coast’s new A$10 million indoor sports stadium which was opened by Federal Education, Science and Training Minister Julie Bishop on 19 July.

The air-conditioned 3,705 square metre stadium will be used for University and community sporting events — including basketball, netball, futsal, volleyball and badminton — and for University research and teaching.

USC Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Thomas AM said the stadium, which accommodates three basketball courts, was an impressive sports venue that was the first of its kind on the Sunshine Coast.

“What singles this stadium out is that there will be analytical and research activities associated with the sports undertaken there, to enhance the performance of young and old, elite or leisure participants,” he said.

“The impressive range of services provided by coaches, researchers, medical and allied health staff will increase further once a Health and Sport Centre adjoining the stadium is completed.

“We are grateful for the strong support from the Commonwealth Government and the State Government, whose contributions have enabled USC to build this impressive complex.”

Construction of the stadium received A$5 million from the Federal Government’s Voluntary Student Unionism Transition Fund for Sporting and Recreational Facilities and A$2.9 million from the Queensland Government (A$2 million from the Department of Education, Training and the Arts and A$900,000 from the Department of Sport and Recreation).

Professor Thomas said the USC Council recently approved an immediate start on planning for the Health and Sport Centre which will accommodate USC’s new school of Health and Sport Sciences, public health clinics, testing and research laboratories, a fitness centre and the University’s Centre for Healthy Activities, Sport and Exercise.

The University last year launched a A$3.5 million public fundraising campaign to assist with the construction of the Health and Sport Centre.

The Building Excellence Campaign (on page 10) is in progress and is gaining strong community support.

The Federal Government recently pledged A$3.5 million, to be provided over the next two years, giving the project a major boost.

Courses for Careers Day

The University of the Sunshine Coast’s annual open day, Courses for Careers Day, will be held on Sunday 19 August.

This event is an ideal opportunity to find out about the programs and courses offered in the faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Business, and Science Health and Education.

Courses for Careers Day will feature seminars on job prospects in particular fields, as well as presentations about how to apply to study, financial support available to students and the University’s support services.

There also will be tours of campus facilities and accommodation, and the chance to chat with current students about their experiences.

This is an event not to be missed by anyone considering tertiary study.

Healthy agreement signals strong job opportunities

The University of the Sunshine Coast and the Sunshine Coast and Cooloola Health Service District (SCCHSD) have joined forces in an innovative effort to create a healthier future for the region.

USC Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Thomas AM and SCCHSD District Manager Kevin Hegarty recently signed an agreement to work together for the future health-care needs of residents from Caloundra to Gympie.

The agreement will create strong job opportunities for graduates, shared research endeavours, University membership of the Health Service District’s planning committees and joint appointments in nursing and allied health areas.

A key objective of the agreement is to reduce the need for acute hospital care by taking a holistic approach to developing healthy communities.

Professor Thomas said the agreement formalised the existing relationship between the two organisations and provided for some exciting cooperative opportunities, particularly with a new hospital planned for Kawana Waters.

He said USC’s range of programs in Sport and Exercise Science, Nursing Science, Health Promotion, Nutrition and Psychology—as well as further planned allied health care programs—would contribute to the goal of developing healthy communities and promoting “productive ageing”.

Mr Hegarty said he was keen to utilise the University’s expertise in health promotion and primary healthcare, both through its researchers and its graduates.

“We want to make sure students flow from the University’s allied health-care programs directly into our workforce,” he said.

“We have a demand for more nurses and, with our facilities expanding, we are in a very fortunate situation where the need for nurses is increasing.

“The University has experts in health promotion and in making sure people have the chance to improve and manage their lifestyles, so they won’t necessarily need the acute health-care services.”

Mr Hegarty said the SCCHSD and USC had common challenges that could be best met by working together.

Doctors and nurses hone emergency skills on campus

Medical and nursing staff from the Sunshine Coast and Cooloola Health Service District (SCCHSD) have already benefited from USC’s recently-opened clinical skills training laboratory.

Paediatric resuscitation specialists trained 13 doctors and nurses from hospitals at Gympie and Nambour in emergency procedures for babies and children at the USC facility on 7 June.

The nursing laboratory is part of the University’s new science building, which was officially opened by State Minister for Education, Training and the Arts Rod Welford in May.

This A$12 million building was funded by a A$6 million grant from the Commonwealth Government and A$1.5 million in State Government money that was earmarked for the development of the state-of-the-art nursing facilities.

SCCHSD District Director of Emergency Medicine Dr Stephen Priestley said the purpose-built facility, which had been designed to replicate a hospital ward, was ideal for training doctors and nurses.

“It’s a large facility and is configured to enable both audiovisual presentations and hands-on training to occur within the same area,” he said.

“It’s got real hospital beds and equipment, which adds an extra layer of realism to the training.”

Indonesian teachers tackle uncertainty

Indonesian language teachers from across Australia gathered at the University of the Sunshine Coast in July for the ninth biennial Australian Society of Indonesian Language Educators (ASILE) conference.

Conference Coordinator and USC Indonesian Lecturer Dr Phillip Mahnken said about 60 educators from kindergarten to PhD supervisory level attended the conference, which had the theme “Indonesian Language Teaching in the Age of Uncertainty”.

Dr Mahnken said Indonesian language teaching currently faced many uncertainties, particularly due to negative media coverage of recent events in Indonesia.

“But what is certain is that Indonesia and Australia will forever be neighbours, and collaboration among Indonesian teachers at all levels is a must,” he said.

The three-day conference was officially opened by Indonesian Ambassador Teuku Mohammad Hamzah Thayeb and featured Walkley Award winning ABC journalist Mark Bowling and Indonesia’s education and culture attache Dr Agus Sartono among the presenters.

USC Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Greg Hill said the University was actively pursuing research and teaching partnerships in Indonesia.

Link to University adds up for Coast accounting firm

Employing University of the Sunshine Coast graduates has paid dividends for a Mooloolaba accounting firm in its efforts to retain qualified staff.

Mulraney Accountants Director Erik Hipwood said his firm’s approach to hiring staff had helped it avoid the common scenario of young Coast accountants heading off to larger firms in Brisbane and other capital cities.

Mr Hipwood said his firm’s low staff turnover was due in no small part to the fact that nine of his company’s 15 accountants were USC graduates or current students who were “connected” to the Coast.

He said another factor was Mulraney Accountants’ performance-based promotion system, which has seen two USC graduates become senior managers and a further two become junior managers.

“The most important thing that we want in recruiting staff is for people to stay with us. If we’re going to be investing capital in people, we’d like to see them stay,” he said.

Mr Hipwood said Mulraney Accountants had begun recruiting staff from final-year business students at the University of the Sunshine Coast, a practice that has become popular among other Coast firms as well.

University to open psychology clinic

The University of the Sunshine Coast will open a psychology clinic on campus next year to cater for the growing demand for mental health services in the region.

Heading up the clinic will be Professor Mary Katsikitis — previously the Manager of Science, Academia and Research with the Australian Psychological Society (APS) — who also will establish a suite of psychology programs at USC in 2008.

The programs are a Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology), a Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) (Honours) and a Master of Psychology (Clinical) to be offered from Semester 1 next year.

Professor Katsikitis said the psychology clinic would provide an important research and teaching function for USC staff and students and deliver mental health services on an outpatient basis at a reduced fee for Coast residents.

“We hope to improve waiting times for individuals who need psychological services in the Sunshine Coast area,” she said.

Professor Katsikitis’s qualifications to establish psychology programs at USC could not be higher after overseeing the accreditation of all psychology courses in Australia during her five years at the Australian Psychological Society.

The society is the peak body for psychologists in Australia and has more than 15,000 members.

Study gives world champ psychological advantage

Fresh from winning gold in power-breaking at the International Taekwon-Do Federation’s World Championships in Canada, Carlie Dann of Chancellor Park is back hitting the books.

Carlie, 19, took a year’s break from her combined degree in Psychology and Exercise Science to concentrate on breaking boards in the lead-up to the championships.

An intensive training routine during her “gap year” saw her claim three medals at the 26 May event in Quebec —the power-breaking gold, silver in specialty techniques, and bronze in patterns—and become the overall senior women’s champion.

To win gold, Carlie had to smash through the equivalent of four one-inch-thick panels of pine board … a task she describes as simply “mind over matter”.

“It’s all mental … and you have to be really prepared for it,” she said.

“Before I go up to the boards, I mentally visualise that I’m breaking them.

“If you don’t do this, the boards won’t break.”

The third-degree black belt, who teaches classes at the Chang Hon Taekwon-Do club at Chancellor Park, said her study would be just as important as her international taekwon-do success in her planned career as a taekwon-do coach.

“I thought the double degree (Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science) was the best option for me,” she said. “It was exactly what I wanted to do when I left school.

“I can put into practice what I have learned and know what it’s like to compete at international competitions. I know how to keep going with it, not to give up when things get difficult, and always to try my best.”

She said her Psychology major would give her an edge as a coach, building on the mental skills she has developed since first taking up taekwon-do when she was in primary school.

Water quality leaders

EcoNova Pty Ltd has signed an agreement with the University of the Sunshine Coast that could see the region become a world leader in water conservation.

The agreement aims to establish a regional water testing program, develop a business partnership that services industry and governments, and promote teaching and research into water conservation and quality.

EcoNova and USC have already launched a pilot testing program in which EcoNova provides guidance in water analysis, while University staff and students conduct a wide range of water quality tests.

Spotlight on supporting students

USC is leading a consortium of seven universities in a teaching and learning research project that could help reduce the number of students dropping out of higher education across Australia.

The consortium includes the University of Sydney, Monash University, the University of South Australia, Murdoch University, the University of Southern Queensland and Griffith University.

USC’s Faculty of Business Accreditation Coordinator Dr Lesley Willcoxson said the three-year study had received a Carrick Institute grant of almost A$220,000.

“To get a grant like this, with USC as the lead institution involved in a national study, is a huge thing for us,” she said.

“It puts USC firmly on the national teaching and learning map.”

Dr Willcoxson said the other universities had jumped at the chance to take part in the study that she and fellow USC academics Dr Mark Manning and Dr Monte Wynder designed.

“This will build on what has been done before in studying retention and attrition,” she said.

“But it also will provide a new perspective because it will look at all of the student’s time at university, not just a slice of it.”

Dr Willcoxson said most research in the past had focused only on why first-year students withdrew from tertiary study.

“But just as many students leave university in the second and third years combined as leave in the first year,” she said. “There’s a lot we don’t know about second and third-year students.

“We will survey students as well as interview them to get a clear understanding of the factors that encourage students to stay at university as well as the factors that lead them to leave.

“We can feed that information back to the support services so they can utilise it to build a really, really strong supportive environment for students.”

Daniel earns A$100,000 Japanese scholarship

A childhood fascination with Japan has blossomed for University of the Sunshine Coast business student Daniel Gillham, who will spend the next two years studying at Waseda University in Tokyo.

Daniel, 20, of Woombye, earned a two-year Japanese Government scholarship to do a Master of Business at one of the country’s most prestigious private tertiary institutions.

He said he was thrilled about the scholarship, worth at least A$100,000, which will cover his tuition fees, his return airfares and a living allowance of about A$2000 a month.

Daniel first learned some Japanese when he was in Year 6 in Darwin, then furthered his language skills as a holiday hobby when he lived on the Darling Downs during his early teens.

He studied Japanese at Sunshine Coast Christian Outreach College (now the Suncoast Christian College), then majored in Japanese when he started his combined Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business degree at USC in 2004.

“The chief reason I came here to USC was to study Japanese and to get on the Global Opportunities (GO) program,” he said.

This program enabled Daniel to study at Nagoya University for Foreign Students for 10 months in 2004, during which time he became fluent in Japanese.

Daniel said he loved Japan for its geography and climate, for the conveniences available in its big cities and for the way Japanese people cared for each other.

Science graduate invited to do Masters in Wyoming

An American professor was so impressed by USC science student Nikki Bird when she studied in the United States in 2004 that he has invited her back to do her Masters.

Nikki, 22, who graduated in 2005, travelled to the United States in late-May after accepting a two-year, full-fee scholarship at the University of Wyoming (UWYO).

She said the invitation to do a Master of Soil Science was too good to refuse, and she resigned from her job as an administrative assistant to the Vice-Chancellor of Queensland University of Technology.

The scholarship will include tuition, fees, health insurance and a stipend of US$1,100 a month until mid-2009.

Nikki said Professor Stephen Williams of UWYO’s Department of Renewable Resources contacted her late last year to offer her the scholarship after she studied there in 2004 as part of USC’s Global Opportunities (GO) study exchange program.

Zoo teaching role suits USC student

Encouraging children to care about the environment must involve giving them hands-on experiences, according to University of the Sunshine Coast teaching student Emma Bell.

And for Emma, that means getting the children to put their hands on insects, frogs, lizards, possums, koalas and other animals.

Emma, 24, has just completed a six-week work placement at Taronga Zoo in Sydney as part of her Graduate Diploma in Education program at USC.

She organised the work placement through UnderWater World at Mooloolaba where she has worked part-time for the past three years as an education officer.

“I’m really passionate about giving kids real experiences,” she said.

“It’s important to get them to interact in a real situation, rather than only reading about things in a textbook.

“It’s rewarding to see the looks on their faces when they touch a possum or a frog and see how strange it feels.”

The former Wavell State High School captain had started an undergraduate degree in teaching when she first left school, but soon changed to a Bachelor of Science and Arts at the University of Queensland.

“When I got a taste of a science prac at a school, I thought ‘this is not the way I want to teach children about how amazing the environment can be,“ she said.

“Because I’ve worked at UnderWater World and love the work I do there, that’s the reason I wanted to work at the zoo. My main interest is to do environmental education. That’s definitely the way I want to go.”

Emma said her work placement at Taronga Zoo had provided her with some valuable experiences, particularly in a teaching area for young children called Backyard to Bush.

She said this teaching area highlighted animals that people were likely to come across in suburban areas, such as leaf insects, frogs, lizards, possums and koalas.

“The themes of lessons include animal senses, life cycles of animals which we call ‘eggs to legs’, and we encourage the students to be backyard buddies and look after the animals in their backyards,” she said.

“To help kids from pre-school and up learn about the positive things they can do to look after the environment, it’s really good.”

Nikita wins Daily intern of the year award

By Kartrina Scott

University of the Sunshine Coast journalism graduate Nikita Lee recently won the Sunshine Coast Daily’s inaugural Intern of the Year award.

Nikita, 21, completed two internships with the newspaper—one with the Daily’s features department and the other as a general news reporter—before she graduated in May.

She received her award from Editorial Manager Andy Kippen in front of the newspaper’s busy newsroom on 30 May.

“The internship gave me confidence and I learnt the best parts of the media,” she said.

“It was great to be at the Daily, working under professionals who gave me guidance”.

Nikita said the keys to a good internship included using skills gained from university, showing initiative, and accepting advice from experienced staff members.

The judging panel for the award comprised Mr Kippen, Sunshine Coast Daily Features Editor Shirley Sinclair and USC Journalism Lecturer Gill Cowden.

The panel said they selected Nikita from 15 interns because of her strong work ethic and for having numerous articles published.

“Nikita was a quiet achiever,” Ms Sinclair said. “She got the job done and always looked for more work.”

Nikita has since gained a full-time position as a journalist with the Bundaberg News-Mail.

University welcomes largest mid-year intake

USC’s newest intake of students has been encouraged to view their decision to take up tertiary study as important, not only for themselves, but for the region and the nation.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Thomas AM told students at the University’s mid-year Orientation on 11 July that, despite the current strong job market, higher education had an important role to play in overcoming skill shortages.

“The decision to study at University is a huge decision for many of you, and a difficult one, but it’s an important decision,” he said.

“The future is about knowledge, it’s about skills and it’s about having a highly educated workforce.”

USC made almost 500 offers of places to new students for Semester 2, which has led to the University’s largest mid-year intake of students.

Hundreds of students attended an Official Welcome and other Orientation activities at the University’s Sippy Downs campus.

They received program information and study tips and toured the USC campus.

Other Orientation activities included free lunches and entertainment, market stalls and fun sporting events.

Many of the new students also attended a special weekend Orientation camp on Fraser Island.

Graduate helps protect Noosa’s environment

Science graduate Kris Boody is diving headlong into a job that looks set to bring both environmental and tourism benefits to Noosa.

Kris, 34, of Mudjimba, graduated this year with a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in Environmental Science, and is now working as an environmental project officer for Noosa Shire Council.

His work involves coordinating algae mitigation trials and sand dredging, monitoring water quality programs in Noosa River, and general marine and coastal management across the Shire.

Kris also coordinates volunteers and scientific contractors for the Council, and works to increase community awareness about Noosa’s environmental assets.

“What I’ve studied at USC has definitely inspired me a lot,” he said.

“It’s given me the tools to understand what I’m looking for in data.”

Kris said his work at Noosa Council complemented his weekend ‘hobbies’ of coordinating a seagrass watch program with the Noosa Integrated Catchment Association and leading the Sunshine Coast branch of Reef Check Australia.

Kris also will be conducting a Noosa River fish habitat study with the USC Scientific Diving Team, pictured during a recent patrol.

Building Excellence campaign on target

The University Foundation’s Building Excellence campaign is progressing well with money raised so far nearing the halfway mark of the A$5 million goal.

In June, a group of University friends were given a sneak preview of the indoor sports stadium as well as hearing the latest plans for the Health and Sport Centre, which will include health testing and research laboratories.

Under the campaign, A$3.5 million is needed to build the ground level and first level of the centre, to be positioned adjacent to the stadium.

Pivotal to the success of the Building Excellence campaign is the Foundation Board, pictured right, a dedicated team of business and community leaders with a passion to see USC thrive.

Foundation Chair Tim Fairfax AM encouraged the community to get behind the University by supporting the campaign.

“The Building Excellence campaign is the Sunshine Coast’s opportunity for individuals and businesses to stand up and make a crucial impact on their University and their future,” he said.

For more information on giving to the Building Excellence campaign, contact University Foundation Executive Officer Andrew Pentland via telephone +61 7 5459 4418, email or by mail to University Foundation, University of the Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore DC QLD 4558.

You can also visit Building Excellence on the website.

Women in Science Bursary Award 2007

USC student Amanda Tunbridge, of Coolum, recently received a A$1,000 Women in Science bursary from the Zonta Club of Noosa.

Amanda, who has a degree in Applied Science in Environmental Management, is studying a Graduate Diploma in Integrated Coastal Zone Management at USC.

She has previously worked with the Dolphin Research Institute in Melbourne, both on the Institute’s CSIRO-approved research committee and in the field. She also has worked in vegetation management of native bushland and coastal areas and on research projects on the biological control of weeds.

Zonta Club of Noosa president Pauline Edgar said Amanda was a fitting recipient of the bursary.

“We know she will continue to make a significant contribution to the protection of our environment and set a wonderful example to future students in this field of study,” she said.

Research worth its weight in gold medals

Sport scientist Dr Brendan Burkett recently returned from an overseas research mission that could lead to Australians winning more Olympic medals.

And, at the same time, Dr Burkett’s three-month trip to Norway, Belgium, Germany and Ireland will benefit elderly Aussies in helping them avoid injury-causing falls.

The four-time Paralympian and Director of USC’s Centre for Healthy Activities, Sport and Exercise (CHASE) had a mixture of teaching, research and USC promotional assignments during his trip.

His main objective, however, was working with colleagues at Leuven University in Belgium to secure the rights to assess the biomechanics of the world’s best swimmers, cyclists and track and field athletes at the Beijing Olympics in 2008.

Dr Burkett said he was keen to assess the Olympic athletes’ race strategies, how they paced themselves and how they moved in order to boost the performances of Australia’s elite athletes, as well as help our elderly residents.

“We can feed that data back to local athletes and coaches and the Australian Institute of Sport and say ‘this is what the top athletes in the world are doing’,” he said.

“From doing this, we will further understand how the human body moves and we can apply that to a 65-year-old who has a great potential for falls.”

Dr Burkett said USC’s planned Health and Sport Centre would include laboratories to further research that would assist elite athletes and boost general community health.

Gallery volunteers rewarded

The dedication and hard work of the USC Gallery’s long-standing volunteers was praised at a recent morning tea at the Gallery.

Gwenda Heginbotham, Elizabeth Miers, Marion Robinson, Val Morrison, Marjorie Cox and Norma Uhlmann all received gifts for 10 years of service to the Gallery.

Gallery Curator Dawn Oelrich said the Gallery benefited greatly from the help received from about 50 volunteers.

“They meet and greet visitors, assist with exhibition installations, help out at functions and with fundraising,” she said.

The University Gallery is situated on campus and presents a range of exhibitions throughout the teaching year. Entry is free and the public is welcome.

USC Gallery exhibitions

Education Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Art
Friday 17 August – Saturday 1 September

THIS will be an exuberant exhibition of artworks by senior secondary high school students from across the Sunshine Coast region. This exhibition will include sculpture, painting and photography.

Spirit Dancing: Ken Thaiday and Roy Wiggan
Thursday 6 September – Saturday 13 October

THIS unusual exhibition will highlight the work of two of Australia’s senior coastal indigenous male artists. Torres Strait artist Ken Thaiday uses plywood, wire, string, bamboo, feathers and more to create moveable and ornate head dresses and devices. Roy Wiggan of Broome creates traditional ilma, or totems, that are used with song to tell stories and create ceremonies.

Brisbane Advertising and Design (BAD) Awards
Friday 19 October – Sunday 27 October

The Brisbane Advertising and Design (BAD) Awards exhibition will present cutting-edge advertising design. It will showcase the best work by the Queensland advertising industry.