Community - 2007 Edition 2 - Winter | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Community - 2007 Edition 2 - Winter

Community: Edition 2 (Winter) 2007

Vice-Chancellor's comment
“Without USC, it is likely that many of the students would never have gone to University at all.”

The May Graduation has been larger than any previous Graduation, with eligible graduands now approaching the 1,000 mark.

The Ceremony remains the highlight of the year for me because seeing so many proud and smiling faces reminds all of us at the University that this institution exists for students and that our concerted efforts over the years to make USC a success have been effective.

Without USC, it is likely that many of the students would never have gone to University at all.

Many students, school-leavers and mature-aged students, have often recounted how much they have appreciated the support of the staff, and the greater career opportunities that have been opened for them as a result of their university education here.

There are of course still many challenges ahead for all graduates. The acquisition of a degree does not guarantee success in life, even though it’s the best start for the great majority of people.

Graduates have now got to demonstrate in the wider workplace, and the community in which they are located, that they possess not only an academic skill set but also the social skills that are fundamental to eventual success.

At the University, we have impressed upon everyone — staff and students — that we uphold our clearly specified values of, for example, tolerance and respect very highly.

For students, we also have developed a set of graduate attributes that relate to those social, communication, team and leadership skills that are so vital alongside an academic qualification.

Thus, from a USC environment where we stress the significance of an institution of ‘human scale’, we hope students will have derived important learning across the academic and social spectrum.

I know that I speak for everyone at the University when I extend our congratulations to all graduates, wish them every success in life, and hope that they stay in touch with USC over the years as this University continues to grow its local, national and international profile.

Professor Paul Thomas AM

USC leads by example in teaching about sustainable development

The University of the Sunshine Coast’s emphasis on environmentally friendly architecture is likely to inspire its graduates to work towards sustainable development in the region.

So says Dr Andy Johnston, an Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) representative who visited USC last month as part of a world-wide study into how well higher education was promoting sustainable development.

Dr Johnston said that even though USC’s teaching and research programs on sustainable development were not as established as those at some other institutions, the campus itself was providing a very clear lesson to students.

“There are a lot of university campuses which are horribly inefficient and use lots of energy and are quite ugly,” he said.

“But everything you see about this University reinforces the sustainable development message and what that means is that it becomes accepted by students as a normal thing.”

News in brief
Employer of Choice award

The University of the Sunshine Coast had special reason to celebrate International Women’s Day on Thursday 8 March. Days earlier, it was announced that USC was one of only 14 Queensland organisations to earn an Employer of Choice for Women citation from the Federal Government’s Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (EOWA). This is the third consecutive year the University has received the EOWA citation in recognition of its efforts in increasing the representation of women at executive levels and helping employees maintain work/life balance. University Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Thomas AM hosted an International Women’s Day morning tea for all University staff.

Grant helps pay for stadium 

Construction of the University of the Sunshine Coast’s A$10 million indoor sports stadium received a welcome boost in March, with the Federal Government agreeing to pay for half the cost of the building. Federal Minister for Education, Science and Training Julie Bishop announced that USC would receive A$5 million through the Voluntary Student Unionism Transition Fund for Sporting and Recreational Facilities. The Queensland Government has contributed A$2.9 million to the stadium, with A$2 million from the Department of Education, Training and the Arts and A$900,000 from the Department of Sport and Recreation.

Dedication to study rewarded

A Caboolture woman who tentatively ventured into tertiary study the day her first grandchild was born five years ago has earned the University of the Sunshine Coast’s highest student award for 2007.

Cate Morriss, 45, received the Chancellor’s Medal when she graduated with First Class Honours in Politics at the USC Graduation Ceremony on Friday 18 May. The medal was awarded in recognition of Cate’s excellence in academic performance, University governance, community service and student welfare.

Cate, who is now doing a PhD through Queensland University of Technology with an eye to an academic career, said becoming a grandmother had been a defining moment in her life.

“I decided that I was simply too young to stay at home and be a grandmother, so I opted to reinvent myself,” she said.

Cate said she experienced cold feet at the prospect of studying, but soon revelled in the challenges of university life.

“The first semester was challenging,” she said.

“I found huge gaps in my knowledge, but it was exciting to do that learning.”

Cate started studying a Bachelor of Arts in Community Service but quickly changed to a combined Bachelor of Arts in Politics and International Relations and a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from which she graduated last year.

“By the end of first semester, I found all of my previous background seemed to fit into political science,” she said. “I’ve always been an advocate of marginalised youth and women.”

Her enjoyment of study simply blossomed and she has since written two children’s books and published numerous academic papers about the plight of Pacific Islander women.

“I just so loved my university life that I couldn’t get enough of it,” she said.

“I decided that I wouldn’t put my family under this kind of pressure unless I was going to make it really worthwhile and I was going to put 100 percent into it.”

Cate’s sheer enthusiasm for study resulted in her receiving numerous bursaries, scholarships and invitations to attend and speak at major national and international conferences.

University medals for top students

Belinda Vere, Aaron Cork and Vanessa Moscato each received University Medals at the USC Graduation Ceremony in May. The medals were awarded for the students with the highest grade point averages from each of USC’s three faculties.

Belinda graduated with a Bachelor of Arts and topped the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences with a GPA of 6.6 out of a possible 7.

Aaron achieved a GPA of 6.75 while studying a Bachelor of Business (Tourism) degree to be the highest-achieving student in the Faculty of Business.

Bachelor of Science graduate Vanessa Moscato achieved a GPA of 6.889 to top the Faculty of Science, Health and Education.

Honorary doctorate recognises excellence

ABC’s Australian Story presenter Caroline Jones AO received the University of the Sunshine Coast’s first honorary Doctor of Letters at the 2007 Graduation Ceremony.

The award was made in recognition of her contribution to Australian broadcasting and journalism as a producer, director and reporter for film, radio and television since 1963.

“I think it’s an honour to be recognised by the University for my 45 years of broadcasting and writing, and it means a lot to me,” she said.

At the Graduation Ceremony, the respected ABC broadcaster and communicator delivered the Graduation Address to a capacity crowd of 2,100 people.

During her address, Ms Jones urged graduates to use their intelligence, along with their integrity and generosity of spirit, to make the world a better place.

USC Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Thomas AM praised Ms Jones for her career which included reporting and presenting for current affairs programs like This Day Tonight, Four Corners and for Sydney morning radio.

“She has been a role model and mentor for women in the media, pioneering an acceptance of women in a field formerly dominated by men,” he said.

Plaudits for dedicated architect

Renowned Canberra architect Harold ‘Hal’ Guida has become an honorary Doctor of the University of the Sunshine Coast.

Mr Guida, of MGT Architects, has more than 35 years of international experience in architecture, interior design and urban design which included developing the master plan for the University in 1994.

He has worked on major projects in Australia, the United States, South-East Asia and China, most notably as partner-in-charge of design coordination for Australia’s Parliament House in the 1980s.

Mr Guida has led design teams working on many other large-scale projects, including a A$300 million transit village in Sydney, and a A$1 billion waterfront residential and mixed-use project in Kowloon, Hong Kong.

USC Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Thomas AM said the honorary award was in recognition of Mr Guida’s contributions to Australian architecture and the physical planning of the University.

“His detailed analysis of the University site and community consultation led to the creation of an environmentally sensitive master plan for the development of the entire campus across the ensuing 25 years,” Professor Thomas said.

USC has four new Senior Fellows

Australia Zoo owner Terri Irwin, APN newspaper executive Peter Owen, University of the Third Age stalwart Frayda Myers Cooper and Sunshine Coast Regional Organisation of Councils (SunROC) executive director Graeme Pearce have become honorary Senior Fellows of USC.

Terri Irwin’s Senior Fellowship was awarded in recognition of her contributions to the Sunshine Coast region and wildlife conservation through her work at Australia Zoo.

Peter Owen, who is the group executive editor for APN News and Media and formerly editor-in-chief of Sunshine Coast Newspapers, received his honorary award for his contributions to journalism on the Sunshine Coast.

Frayda Myers Cooper was appointed a Senior Fellow for being instrumental in establishing University of the Third Age (U3A) branches in Queensland, including the U3A branch at USC.

Graeme Pearce, who was appointed as the first Executive Director of SunROC in 2002 to help coordinate the efforts of the region’s local authorities, was recognised for his contributions to administration within the Sunshine Coast region.

Terri Irwin expresses delight in USC honour

Australia Zoo owner Terri Irwin AM is looking forward to a long association with the University of the Sunshine Coast after becoming a Senior Fellow of USC.

The honorary award, in recognition of Terri’s contribution to the Sunshine Coast region and wildlife conservation, was presented at the University’s Graduation Ceremony at the Innovation Centre.

“I feel tremendously honoured because the University of the Sunshine Coast has been so supportive of us and this has meant so much,” she said.

“I feel that education is such an important component towards anyone’s goals and dreams, particularly with conservation.

“This region is where Steve called home and, throughout his career, he continued to work from Beerwah on the Sunshine Coast. It is just as near and dear to my heart and to our kids.”

USC Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Thomas AM said the University was proud to award Terri the honorary Senior Fellowship.

“Terri’s tireless work, in partnership with her husband Steve Irwin, has led to the creation of one of Australia’s most famous tourism attractions, Australia Zoo,” he said.

“Australia Zoo has placed Queensland and the Sunshine Coast on the international tourism stage.

“Terri’s commitment to the protection of wildlife and wildlife habitat, and to the education and promotion of conservation issues to people around the world, is unwavering.”

University academics earn accolades

Senior Lecturer in Vegetation and Plant Ecology Dr Alison Shapcott has earned the Vice-Chancellor’s Medal for Outstanding University Researcher for 2007.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Thomas AM said Dr Shapcott’s work had contributed to USC’s key mission of protecting and conserving the environment through sustainable development activities.

“Her investigations into the genetics and ecology of rainforest and rare plant species are an outstanding contribution to scientific knowledge which has implications for the well-being of rainforests across the world,” he said.

Social and Community Studies lecturer Dr Phillip Ablett has earned the Vice-Chancellor’s Medal for Outstanding University Teacher for 2007.

Professor Thomas said Dr Ablett provided a study environment that encouraged students to think for themselves.

“In so doing, Dr Ablett captures the interest of diverse groups of students through dialogue and mutual learning,” he said.

Medals for outstanding service

Vice-Chancellor’s Medals for Outstanding Service by administrative, professional or technical staff members were awarded to Judy Jakeman, Linda Addona and Sharon Lenord.

Judy Jakeman was one of the earliest appointees of the University and received the medal for her work as personal assistant to the Vice-Chancellor for more than a decade.

Linda Addona’s award was in recognition of her contribution to the growth and development of USC’s payroll team.

Sharon Lenord received her award for her contribution towards supporting teaching, learning and regional engagement through her work in the USC Library.

Governor installs new USC Chancellor

The Governor of Queensland, Ms Quentin Bryce AC, installed John Dobson OAM as the University of the Sunshine Coast’s new Chancellor at a formal investiture ceremony on Tuesday 8 May.

A crowd of 230 invited guests attended the evening celebration in the University’s new Chancellery building to witness plenty of pomp and ceremony, with equal measures of warmth and humour.

The investiture was even more special for John Dobson—Caloundra’s Catholic parish priest and Dean of the North Coast Deanery of the Archdiocese of Brisbane—because he was celebrating his 62nd birthday.

The Governor expressed her confidence in John Dobson’s ability to chair USC’s Council—the University’s governing body—and said the Chancellor’s experience as a priest would come to the fore.

“John Dobson, as a Dean and parish priest, brings to his new role the rich and reflective legacy of Catholic learning, providing pastoral as well as intellectual leadership,” she said in her address.

The Governor also commended the University for delivering quality tertiary education in the Sunshine Coast region.

“The University of the Sunshine Coast offers young and creative approaches to learning,” she said.

“You open doors and build pathways for those who might not otherwise experience the opportunity and enrichment of higher education.”

In his address, John Dobson said he was delighted to have the opportunity to serve the University of the Sunshine Coast as Chancellor.

He praised USC’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Thomas AM for his strategic development of the University since its inception in 1996, and pastoralist Ian Kennedy AO, who had served as USC Chancellor since 1998.

“Advances are only made when we stand on the shoulders of those visionaries who have gone before us, and I wish to acknowledge the leadership of my predecessor, Ian Kennedy,” he said.

During the ceremony, the Governor also officially opened the University’s new Chancellery building.

Sculpture makes strong first impression

A crowd of more than 300 people turned out for the official dedication of a seven-metre-tall sculpture, Pulse, at the University of the Sunshine Coast Gallery forecourt on 5 April.

The sculpture, by Melbourne artist Konstantin Dimopoulos, was veiled only by darkness as the crowd arrived, but was gradually illuminated by six halide lights during the dedication speeches.

At the end of the official dedication by Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art Director Doug Hall AM, Pulse’s seven-metre-long red and orange rods were positively glowing.

The sculpture is part of the University’s campus enhancement program under the USC Building Excellence fundraising campaign (refer to page 10).

Gallery curator Dawn Oelrich said the fundraising efforts of Senior Honorary Fellow of the University, Mrs Arija Austin of Buderim, led to the generous donation from the Lee Graff Foundation in the United States that allowed the commissioning of the sculpture.

Lee Graff Foundation trustee Scott Morielli and his family travelled from California to attend the dedication ceremony.

Mr Dimopoulos said, in his artist’s statement about the sculpture, that Pulse was a site-specific environmental sculpture, which focuses on the simple but elegant and dynamic rhythms of nature.

“It is a dynamic sculpture, moving gently in the wind and, through the use of movement, colour and sound, it explores both the natural beauty inherent within the University area and the rich spirituality of the land,” he said.

Students warm to climate change training

Addressing the challenges posed by climate change will require plenty of foresight, planning, tenacity, scientific modelling and innovation.

Exactly the same qualities shown by the University of the Sunshine Coast in launching Australia’s first accredited postgraduate program in Climate Change Adaptation for current and future professionals working in the private and public sectors.

USC Adjunct Associate Professor Richard Warrick taught the University’s first intensive postgraduate climate change course to a group of eight students in March.

The two-week course involved 120 hours of learning, with successful students completing half the requirement for a Graduate Certificate in Climate Change Adaptation. Further studies could lead to a Graduate Diploma and then a Masters degree.

The intensive course is part of a suite of courses developed over the past three years by USC in collaboration with the International Global Change Institute at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, the Environment Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist and other partners.

Associate Professor Warrick has more than 30 years experience in the field of climate change. He has spearheaded integrated assessment modelling as a way of linking models and data on climate change and its impacts for decision-making purposes.

Among his students in the ground-breaking USC course were former US government public policy adviser Kate English, Swiss environmental science student Martina Reichstetter and Toowoomba TAFE College environmental studies teacher Peter Baulch.

Associate Professor Warrick said the professional development programs aimed to equip public and private sectors in making informed decisions about managing the risks arising from climatic variability and change.

“The courses are designed to convey both the theory and practice of climate change vulnerability and adaptation assessment,” he said.

“It’s very much a risk-based approach, so we deal with climate change and how it could exacerbate the risks to which we’re now exposed.

“It has a lot of relevance to today’s problems, such as the drought, water supply and coastal management, and therefore has practical use for planners and resource managers in the region. It impinges upon a broad range of disciplines.”

The driving force behind the climate change courses, USC Associate Professor in Environmental Science Peter Waterman, said there was now a huge demand for the courses.

“Climate change has both regional and local relevance, right down to kerbs, drains, roads and water supply,” he said.

Science building opening a milestone

The official opening of the University of the Sunshine Coast’s A$12 million science building on 1 May marked a milestone for the University’s campus development and for its delivery of quality tertiary education.

The building, which contains a state-of-the-art nursing ward, laboratories and sport science facilities, will be used extensively for many of USC’s planned new degree offerings for 2008.

Queensland’s Minister for Education, Training and the Arts, Rod Welford, officially opened the building that received A$1.5 million in State Government funding for the nursing facilities and A$6 million from the Commonwealth Government.

Research to help migrants access web information

Australia may be a land of opportunity for migrants, but a lack of access to online information can limit their prospects.

To counter the prospect of migrants being disadvantaged by a ‘digital divide’, the Centre for Multicultural and Community Development (CMCD) at the University of the Sunshine Coast has embarked on a new research project.

CMCD director Narayan Gopalkrishnan said the centre had received a A$127,000 grant from the state government to develop strategies to deliver culturally relevant online resources for the non-government sector within culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

New nursing approach is strengths-oriented

University of the Sunshine Coast Associate Professor of Nursing Margaret McAllister has produced a book that could help revolutionise nursing care across Australia.

The book—Solution Focused Nursing: Rethinking Practice, published by Palgrave Macmillan—challenges common assumptions about nursing care and urges nurses to look for solutions as well as problems.

It was officially launched at USC’s Mental Health Nursing Symposium on 13 April, at which Associate Professor McAllister explained she was advocating a “strengths-oriented approach” of working with and for clients, rather than on them.

“Nursing is not just about the diagnosis of disease,” she said.

“Our work is very much about motivating our clients to know they have the resources to adapt and recover.

“You convey the belief that they have the power to effect change.

“We’re like the translators of medical knowledge and we have a coordinator’s role in helping people recover.”

Associate Professor McAllister, whose background is in mental health nursing, wrote four of the book’s 14 chapters, which cover various forms of nursing, from children’s health through to aged care.

“We need to spend time searching for solutions, working with the clients and building up strengths to promote successful adaptation and recovery,” she said.

Sunshine Coast Health Service District Director of Nursing Services Graham Wilkinson said the book provided clear examples of what modern-day nursing involved.

“It brings together contributions of very contemporary-thinking nurses exploring and explaining the range of skills they require to practise nursing,” he said.

Associate Professor McAllister is putting her theory into practice with a pilot program of solution-focused nursing involving 20 emergency nurses at both Nambour General Hospital and the Gold Coast Hospital.

About 40 people attended the Mental Health Symposium, where Council of Australian Governments mental health team manager Ivan Frkovic spoke about national mental health policy directions.

Radio presenter gives students the good oil on public speaking

Respected ABC Coast FM radio presenter Cam Young has added another string to his public speaking bow by delivering his first lecture at the University of the Sunshine Coast in April.

Mr Young, who admitted to being slightly nervous beforehand, gave a presentation with HOT 91 FM sales manager Paula Kerr on the topic of public speaking.

The duo was among an impressive line-up of inspirational Sunshine Coast business-people who happily imparted their knowledge to USC business students during Semester 1.

Their presentation was part of a series of four lectures on the topics of Teamwork for the Workplace, Public Speaking, Career Planning and Maximising Your Influence. The lecture series was organised by the Faculty of Business to give students an edge in understanding the business world and in finding employment.

Courses for Careers Day

The University of the Sunshine Coast’s annual open day, Courses for Careers Day, will be held on Sunday 19 August.

This event is an ideal opportunity to find out about the programs and courses offered in the faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Business, and Science, Health and Education.

Courses for Careers Day features seminars on job prospects in particular fields, as well as presentations about how to apply to study, financial support available to students and the University’s support services.

There are also tours of campus facilities and accommodation, and the chance to chat with current students about their experiences. This is an event not to be missed by anyone considering tertiary study.

Business team tackles teaching task

A team of University of the Sunshine Coast business students last month ran a series of marketing workshops at two Sunshine Coast high schools.

The Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team spoke to Year 10 classes at Matthew Flinders Anglican College and at Beerwah State High School.

SIFE team leader Claudia Bolognini said the USC students enjoyed passing on what they had learned about marketing to the high school students.

Claudia, a second-year Business Marketing student, said the team focused on the four ‘P’s of marketing—product, place (distribution), promotion and price—as well as business branding through logos and slogans.

Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) is a global, non-profit organisation that is literally changing the world through highly dedicated student teams from more than 1,600 universities in 40 countries.

SIFE helps develop strategic links between students and universities, their communities and both the private and public corporate sectors.

It encourages students to use the knowledge they are gaining at university to teach others something that will benefit them.

Top opportunity for language students

Hundreds of high school students converged on the University of the Sunshine Coast in April for a unique lesson in languages.

About 220 Year 11 and 12 students of French, Indonesian, Italian and Japanese met with 44 native speakers of these languages at USC’s Innovation Centre for a Languages Day.

University languages project officer Elizabeth Henzell said the native speakers included international students studying at USC, past students and community members.

The University regularly runs evening short courses in French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish for adults. For more details, contact Elizabeth Henzell +61 7 5459 4851,

USC academic listed in Who’s Who guide

University of the Sunshine Coast popular culture expert Dr Karen Brooks has been featured in the inaugural edition of Who’s Who of Australian Women, which was published in late April.

The book, published by Crown Content, listed Dr Brooks alongside some of Australia’s most famous women.

Who’s Who of Australian Women features 4,500 women’s contributions to Australia through many diverse fields including aviation, business, fashion, motherhood, advocacy, journalism, nursing, architecture, community service, the arts, agriculture and philanthropy.

Dr Brooks is a Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies at USC. She has established a national and international reputation for her work on popular culture. She is also a columnist for the Courier-Mail and a regular social commentator on television.

GO travel grants available

The University of the Sunshine Coast so strongly believes that students should experience studying abroad that it is prepared to help pay for their airfares.

USC offers grants of up to A$2,000 towards return economy airfares for students who take advantage of the University’s Global Opportunities (GO) program.

The grants apply to undergraduate students studying at USC’s partner institutions and have been given to more than 50 students since the scheme started in 2004.

GO program coordinator Liani Eckard said the grants helped overcome a major financial constraint for those who wanted to take part in the GO program.

“The cost of airfares is often the barrier for students to study overseas,” she said.

“With these grants, the University is doing everything it can do to give students a great experience and a great education.”

Campaign is Building Excellence

University of the Sunshine Coast Foundation Board Chair Tim Fairfax has announced he is encouraged by the contributions so far to the Building Excellence fundraising campaign.

“With the positive momentum we have in the community, I am optimistic we will hit our goal,” he said.

Two key gifts were welcomed in April. One benefited the campus beautification initiative with the commissioning of ‘Pulse’, a striking new sculpture in the Art Gallery forecourt.

Another gift of A$60,000 was welcomed from USC Foundation Board member Jocelyn Walker and her family.

They directed their gift to the new Health and Sport Centre.

The Building Excellence campaign, announced last year, is raising money for three key initiatives to take the University into its second decade.

The priorities are:

  • Leadership in health and sport — A$3.5 million for a new Health and Sport Centre
  • Equity and access for students — A$1 million for student scholarships and bursaries
  • Campus enhancement — A$500,000 for campus beautification
    USC alumni have been encouraged to participate by giving through the GOLD (Graduates Of the Last Decade) Native Tree Project. For A$250, graduates can have a tree planted along ‘alumni way’, a pathway that will link the main campus with the new Health and Sport Precinct.

University Foundation executive officer Andrew Pentland said donors of A$1,000 or greater (and alumni donors of A$250 or greater) to any campaign initiative would be recognised with a permanent name plaque on a donor section of the new Health and Sport Centre.

Mr Pentland said the donors would also be personally thanked at a special event celebrating the Building Excellence campaign.

“Every donation makes a difference, no matter what the size,” he said.

“Wide participation in the campaign will make it a success.”

For information on participating in the campaign, contact Andrew Pentland
Tel: +61 7 5459 4418 |  Email:

Clair stands out in G’day USA campaign

The spotlight might have been on Bindi Irwin during this year’s G’day USA campaign, but there was another Sunshine Coast resident who stood out during the annual promotion of Australian tourism in America.

Maroochydore lifesaver and University of the Sunshine Coast graduate Claire Parry, 22, donned the distinctive red and yellow uniform of our volunteer lifesavers during the two-week campaign and was a hit in Los Angeles and New York.

Claire, who is now working with BOC Gas in Brisbane, answered questions from the media and hundreds of Americans about Australia’s beach lifestyle and surf safety at numerous events.

Along the way, she rubbed shoulders with Australian celebrities like Russell Crowe, Naomi Watts, The Veronicas and The Wiggles.

“We attended all the events … the industry events, the cultural, arts and film events,’’ she said. “We got to go along and be the backdrop."

“People would say ‘you’re not going out dressed in that’,” Claire said, referring to her bright lifesavers’ uniform.

“But this was our ticket in, everywhere we went.”

Claire completed high school at Immanuel Lutheran College where she received the Vic Walker Memorial Scholarship to study at USC. She has just graduated with a combined degree in Business Marketing and Business Management.

Internship to help Indian farmers rise from poverty

Creative Indian innovators and progressive Australian companies look set to share in the benefits of an internship offered to Anand Krishnaswamy of Chennai, India, at the University of the Sunshine Coast’s Innovation Centre.

Mr Krishnaswamy works for the Lemelson Foundation, a philanthropic organisation that helps develop businesses from innovative ideas and inventions, many of which come from those living in poverty in India.

Mr Krishnaswamy said his experience at the Innovation Centre had helped hone his skills in recognising and developing innovative ideas in his home country, particularly in agriculture, dairy farming, renewable energy and water.

Mr Krishnaswamy said the non-profit Lemelson Foundation aimed to make a social impact by lifting people out of poverty through business incubation techniques.

“In India, we have what we call grass-roots inventors,” he said.

“Often they are not formally educated. They all face a need because they don’t have access to technology, markets or funds and that’s why they come to us.

“If an inventor comes to us and we find that their invention has potential, the only way that it will have a social impact is if it becomes a business.”

Innovation Centre CEO Colin Graham said Mr Krishnaswamy’s internship, offered as an Australian Government Endeavour professional development scheme scholarship, would link the Sunshine Coast with one of the world’s fastest-growing economies.

Headstart students shine in Great Court Race

Fleet-footed twins Jasmyn and Shayleigh Gould of Matthew Flinders Anglican College showed there are more than academic benefits to be gained from taking part in the University of the Sunshine Coast’s Headstart program.

Jasmyn and Shayleigh’s involvement in Headstart, which enables Year 11 and 12 students to undertake University subjects while still at school, qualified them to compete in USC’s annual Great Court Race in March.

The aspiring Sport and Exercise Science students made the most of the opportunity, finishing first and second respectively in the female section, with Laura Pierino of the United States claiming third place.

In the male event, Holger Schmalz of Germany had a clear victory ahead of Tim Cottman-Fields and Blake Skelhorn.

Holger and Jasmyn each received A$125 and were presented with the Dean van der Helm Memorial Shield by Dean’s mother Roslyn and stepfather Ken Dalgleish.

Second and third place-getters in both the male and female events received A$75 and A$50 each, with all prize-money donated by the ANZ Bank at Chancellor Park and by Subway.

The annual Great Court Race for first-year students is usually held as part of Orientation activities in February, but had been postponed twice due to wet weather.

This year, it was held as part of USC’s lively celebration of multiculturalism on Harmony Day, Wednesday 21 March.

Lee is USC’s first Indigenous cadet

Environmental management student Lee Clarke, 27, of Minyama, has become the University of the Sunshine Coast’s first Indigenous cadet.

Lee, who is in his second year of a combined Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degree, said he was thrilled to have gained this opportunity through the National Indigenous Cadetship Project (NICP).

His cadetship with USC’s Faculty of Science, Health and Education will involve 12 weeks work alongside Senior Lecturer in Marine Science Dr Thomas Schlacher in assisting higher research students on field trips and laboratory testing.

“This cadetship opens up a lot of opportunities for me,” Lee said.

“I’m working with one of the world’s top marine scientists, Dr Thomas Schlacher. He’s a top bloke. He’s fun, thorough and knows what he’s on about.”

One of Australia’s leading chamber ensembles, the Australian String Quartet, will perform at the University of the Sunshine Coast on Friday 3 August as part of its 2007 Concert Series.

The Australian String Quartet is a new grouping this year, featuring the Tankstream Quartet of Sophie Rowell (first violin), Rachel Johnston (cello), Sally Boud (viola) and Anne Horton (second violin).

The concert, Intimate Voices, will begin at 7pm and feature mezzo soprano Fiona Campbell in Graeme Koehne’s Three Poems of Byron.

The program will also include Sibelius’ Voces Intimae and Beethoven’s String Quartet opus 18 no. 1 which was inspired by Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

The annual concert tour, now in its sixth year at USC, is a prestigious calendar event for music lovers on the Sunshine Coast.

Tickets will go on sale over the coming months. For more information, contact the University Foundation +61 7 5430 1104 or visit the Australian String Quartet website.

Gallery exhibitions

tech:toc Design Students Mid-Year Exhibition
Thursday 14 June–Friday 29 June

Computer art that combines, disrupts and ignores the prevailing traditional forms of art will feature in this exhibition designed and displayed by advanced Computer-Based Art and Design students. The students’ work uses technology within a framework of past, current and future global issues to present artistic responses. Their research enables them to extend their analytical engagement with the changing aspects of technology, with the computer, and with implications for human and cultural identity.

Picture-smith: paintings and illustrations by Shaun Tan
Thursday 5 July–Saturday 11 August

Multi-award winning author and illustrator Shaun Tan has published books on his own and collaborated with other authors including University of the Sunshine Coast senior lecturer and children’s book writer Associate Professor Gary Crew. This exhibition will include some of Mr Tan’s original illustrations, paintings and prints from books. His work investigates the relationships that exist between words and illustration and meaning.

Education Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Art—Regional Exhibition 2007
Friday 17 August–Saturday 1 September

This exhibition will feature outstanding art works by senior secondary students from more than 20 schools in the Sunshine Coast region. The students present work in a variety of media—including sculpture, painting, photography, collage and installation—to critique contemporary issues. The artworks are judged, and selected pieces are forwarded to the Queensland Art Gallery for a state wide exhibition touring early in 2008.

Gallery hours

During exhibitions, the Gallery is open: Monday–Friday 10am–4pm; Saturday 1pm–4pm. Admission is free.

Mailing list

To be included on our Gallery mailing list please contact the University Foundation +61 7 5430 1104,

The 2007 Gallery Exhibition Program is proudly supported by Sajen legal.