Appointments and fees | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Appointments and fees

To make an appointment

To make an appointment telephone the Psychology Clinic on +61 7 5459 4514 and leave your contact details with the Clinic Receptionist.

An Intake Officer (a provisionally registered psychologist) will call you back to obtain details of your requirements and to ensure that the services offered by the Psychology Clinic are the most appropriate for your needs.

The Intake Officer will discuss your needs with the Clinic Director and a decision will be made. If the Psychology Clinic is not the most suitable service for you, other services will be suggested wherever possible.


All services of the Psychology Clinic are offered free of charge.


Referrals for Psychological Therapy

The psychology clinic accepts referrals from a wide range of healthcare professionals and organisations, as well as directly from individuals experiencing psychological problems. Those wishing to make a referral may contact the Psychology Clinic or may provide a written referral using either their own format or by using a psychology clinic referral form, which can be found below. The clinic typically opens for service in late March and continues through until mid-December. We begin taking referrals for psychological therapy in early February each year, and normally continue to accept them until mid-September each year.

Client Referral Form

Referrals for Neuropsychological Testing

The waiting list for testing in 2021 is currently closed. If you would like more information, please contact the Clinic on 5459 4514.


A standard consultation is 50 minutes.

Waiting list

The Psychology Clinic aims to keep waiting lists to a minimum and clients are given an appointment as quickly as possible.

Waiting list times vary throughout the year and can range from 1-16 weeks. Individuals and referring professionals will always be given an estimation of the waiting list when they first contact the Clinic.


Students and Staff

The Psychology Clinic is mindful of potential dual relationships and conflict of interest between the psychologists in the Clinic and University staff and students, therefore the Clinic is not able to provide services for USC staff members, immediate family members of USC staff and students enrolled in the Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) and Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) (Honours) programs.

Severe and / or complex problems

The Clinic is unable to provide treatment for individuals who have very complex and / or severe problems such as psychosis, significant suicide risk, violent or criminal behaviour and severe personality disorders.

Individuals needing treatment for these difficulties will be advised about appropriate services.

Legal matters

Psychologists with provisional registration are not considered to be experts for the purposes of legal proceedings.

Therefore, the Clinic does not prepare reports for medico-legal matters and provisional psychologists are not able to appear in court to offer expert opinion.

Child minding

The Psychology Clinic does not have child minding facilities and does not allow children to remain unaccompanied in the waiting room.

Therefore clients are asked not to bring their children with them unless the children are participating in treatment.

Cancellation policy

If you are unable to attend a scheduled appointment, we would appreciate notification as early as possible by telephoning +61 7 5459 4514.

The Psychology Clinic telephone has a voicemail facility for messages if the phone is unattended.

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