Application for an extension of assessment for PSY courses only | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Application for an extension of assessment for PSY courses only

Before submitting this form, please read below:
  • This application is to be used by students seeking an extension of assessment for PSY courses.
  • This application must be supported by independent evidence as outlined in Part C Section 7.9.2 of Assessment: Courses and Coursework Programs - Procedures.
  • If seeking an extension on medical grounds, you must complete and submit a USC Medical Certificate (PDF 226KB). Independent medical certificates will not be considered, unless the certificate contains all information requested under 2.0 MEDICAL EVIDENCE on the USC Medical Certificate.
  • This application must be submitted no earlier than one week before your assessment's original due date and no later than your assessment due date.
Grounds that are not acceptable for applying for an extension of assessment
  • Holiday arrangements including international students returning home
  • Misreading assessment due date
  • Social and leisure events including sporting or cultural commitments not at State, National or International representative level

Application for an extension of assessment

Personal details
Course/Assessment details
Grounds for applying for an extension on your assessment
Supporting documentation

Please refer to Supporting Documentation at the bottom of this page.

A maximum file size of 30MB will be accepted and exceeding this size may result in a delay of your application being processed.

Student declaration

By submitting this form, I declare that:

  • I have read the instructions and understand the policies and procedures that relate to this application.
  • I authorise staff from the University, where applicable, to obtain a confidential report from the Medical Practitioner giving the medical certificate.
  • I authorise the Medical Practitioner issuing the medical certificate where applicable, to provide a confidential report to staff from the University on request.
  • I understand that I will be notified of the outcome via email.
  • I certify by accepting this declaration that all the information I have supplied is true and correct. I acknowledge that disciplinary action may be taken if I knowingly supply false or misleading information.
Privacy statement

The University of the Sunshine Coast collects, stores and uses personal information only for the purposes of administering student and prospective student admissions, enrolment and education. The information collected is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except to meet government, legal or other regulatory authority requirements. For further information consult the University’s Information Management Framework - Governing Policy at

Supporting Documentation

Grounds Suggested Supporting Documentation
a) illness or serious health problem A completed USC Medical Certificate form from a registered Medical Practitioner.
b) significant personal trauma at least one of the following documents: A completed USC Medical Certificate form from a registered Medical Practitioner accompanied by relevant supporting documentation, or Written verification from a USC counsellor.
c) a cultural or sporting commitment at State, national or international representative level A signed and dated letter (on the organisation’s letterhead) that includes the student’s name, details about the event, and details of the student’s participation in the event.
d) unavoidable community or public service commitments (including legal commitment or a recognised emergency management body such as the SES or CFA) Legal Commitment - a copy of the summons, subpoena, court order or notice of selection for jury duty stating: student’s name; and the reason for the commitment; and date/s of attendance required. Emergency Management body - a signed and dated letter (on the organisation’s letterhead) that includes the student’s name.
e) Defence Forces Reserve commitments -A signed and dated letter (on the organisation’s letterhead) that includes the student’s name.
f) commitments as a member of the USC High Performance Sport program -A signed and dated letter (on the organisation’s letterhead) that includes the student’s name; or written verification from the Coordinator, High Performance Sport Program.
g) religious or cultural grounds A signed and dated statement (on the organisation’s letterhead) that includes the student’s name, indicating that the student is a regular attendee or participant from an imam, pastor, rabbi or equivalent spiritual or community leader.
h) Being a victim of crime at least one of the following documents: Police report; Safer Community Unit report; or written verification from a USC counsellor.
i) exceptional family, employment or personal circumstances which are outside of the control of the student. Attendance at a funeral of a family member or close friend at least one of the following documents: a Statuary declaration & an obituary, funeral notice or funeral program; or written verification from a USC counsellor. Death of family member or close friend at least one of the following documents: written evidence of the situation such as an obituary, funeral notice, or hospital/medical certificate; a Death Certificate; Statutory declaration; or written verification from a USC counsellor. Unexpected primary carer responsibilities at least one of the following documents: a completed USC Medical Certificate form indicating the student’s primary carer responsibilities; a statutory declaration indicating how primary carer responsibilities have impacted the student’s ability to study accompanied by relevant supporting documents; or or written verification from a USC counsellor. Natural disaster at least one of the following documents: a statutory declaration and a copy of a public record such as a weather report or media coverage; or or written verification from a USC counsellor.
j) internet/power outage

For short outages please upload a photo or screenshot showing the outage OR a statement outlining the time/date and duration of the outage.

For outages longer than 24 hours in duration please upload a statement outlining the time/date and duration of the outage AND a notice from your electricity or internet provider or a USC IT Support Request.

k) Learning access plan

Please attach learning access plan.