Frequently asked questions | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Frequently asked questions

What is a USC Clinic?

USC Clinics provide services that are overseen by appropriately qualified and experienced professionals. Students are provided with opportunities to gain practical experience at various stages of their studies.

How do I make a booking?

You can request a booking by contacting the specific clinics.

How much does it cost?

The majority of the USC Clinics are free to the general public. Applicable fees can be found on the specific clinic webpage.

Where are the USC Clinics located?
How much does it cost to park at USC?

Information on parking at USC Sippy Downs is available at Paid parking FAQs.

Do I need a doctor or health professional referral?

No. Referrals are not required to attend our clinics.

Who can access the USC Clinic services?

Our clinics can be accessed by all members of the public.

What if my condition is too complex for a student?

Students are supervised by qualified staff at all times ensuring clients receive the best possible assessment, care and treatment. If required, you would be referred to an external health provider for complex treatment or services not provided at our clinics.

Where can I provide feedback on a USC Clinic?

USC Clinics are committed to providing the highest quality service while also providing an excellent learning environment for students. Feedback on our clinical services can be provided by e-mailing the specific clinic.