Support for sexual assault and sexual harassment | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Support for sexual assault and sexual harassment

Sexual assault and harassment is never your fault

Sexual assault is any kind of sexual activity that occurs without your consent.

Sexual harassment is any form of unwelcome sexual behaviour that's offensive, humiliating or intimidating.

Sexual assault and harassment are against the law.

If you have been sexually assaulted or sexually harassed reach out for support. It may take courage but you will find care and support to help you through this.

Confidential 24-hour help is available.

If you are in immediate danger, call police on 000 (triple zero) or security (SafeUniSC) immediately.

Where can I go for support?
Queensland Police

Local police can help and provide advice on what to do if you have just been sexually assaulted.

Confidential support on campus

UniSC has dedicated officers who are trained to listen and provide confidential support if you feel you may have been impacted by sexual assault or harassment.

Contact Safer Communities:
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm
Tel: +61 7 5430 1226

Community support

There are many organisations in our community who are ready to help.

Statewide Sexual Assault Helpline - 1800 010 120
7.30am to 11.30pm 7 days a week

1800RESPECT - 1800 737 732
24-hour sexual assault and domestic violence support

Laurel place - local support services
Maroochydore - +61 7 5443 4711
Moreton Bay - +61 7 5499 2096
Gympie and Murgon - +61 7 5482 7911

Wide Bay Sexual Assault Service
Pialba - +61 7 4194 5230

Living Well 1300 114 397
MensLine Australia - 1300 789 978
Men’s sexual assault and counselling services

What happens if I tell someone at UniSC about my experience?

It is important to know that you can seek support and tell us about an incident without making a formal complaint.

Learn more about what you can expect if you make a report at UniSC.

What happens if I make a report to Police?

If you choose to report concerns to the Police, UniSC can support you through the process.

This may include making arrangements to meet police on campus or requesting a female officer or an interpreter.

You can make a report about a recent incident, or something that happened some time ago – there are no time limitations on reporting your concerns.

When you first talk to Police about your concerns it does not mean that you are making a complaint that will be investigated.

It is your choice if you would like this to happen or not.

What is consent?
Consent is when you say “yes” 

It is an enthusiastic, voluntary and intentional “YES”.

Consent is all about communication. It is when you and your partner both freely agree to engage in any sexual activity.

The best way to know if you have the consent of the other person is to ASK them and check in with them throughout the activity to make sure they are okay and still providing you consent.

You can change your mind or withdraw consent at any time.

Lack of informed consent

You cannot provide consent if you are not considered to have capacity to provide consent.

Someone is unable to provide consent if:

  • They are influenced by drugs or alcohol
  • They are too fearful to say no
  • They are being threatened or coerced
  • They are being tricked or deceived
  • They are being forced physically
  • There is a power imbalance and
  • They are impacted by a health or medical condition which does not allow them to understand the sexual behaviour exhibited towards them
  • They are asleep or unconscious
Consent resources

This short video helps to examine the topic of consent in an easily understandable way.

What is sexual assault?

Sexual assault occurs if you have been tricked, coerced, or forced into any kind of sexual activity that you did not want or without your consent.

Sexual assault includes:

  • Inappropriate touching without consent
  • Forcing someone to perform a sexual act
  • Forcing someone to see a sexual act including the use of electronic media
  • Sexual behaviour to which a person has not agreed

Sexual assault can be carried out by anyone. It does not matter if you are in a relationship with the person, whether they are a friend, family member, previous sexual partner or a stranger.

If you believe you have experienced sexual assault you may feel confused or overwhelmed – this is really normal, and we are here to support you.

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is any unsolicited, unwelcome and unreciprocated behaviour, act or conduct of a sexual nature that embarrasses, humiliates or offends other persons. It can be a single incident or a persistent pattern and can range from subtle behaviour to explicit demands for sexual activity or even criminal assault.

Some examples of sexual harassment include:

  • inappropriate jokes or comments with sexual connotations,
  • the display of offensive material,
  • stares and leers or offensive hand or body gestures,
  • comments and questions about another person's sexual conduct and/or private relationships,
  • persistent unwelcome invitations,
  • requests for sexual favours,
  • offensive written, telephone or electronic mail or other computer system communications,
  • unnecessary close physical proximity including persistently following a person,
  • unwelcome physical contact such as brushing against or touching a person,
  • denigrating comments regarding a person's gender or sexual preference, or
  • negative behaviours, for example, intimidation or exclusions related to the sex of the recipient.

If you have experienced any kind of harassment, you may have a lot of questions. Trusted help is available to help you decide what to do next.

More information

Sexual assault and harassment is never your fault

Sexual assault is any kind of sexual activity that occurs without your consent.

Sexual harassment is any form of unwelcome sexual behaviour that's offensive, humiliating or intimidating. Sexual harassment is against the law.

If you have been sexually assaulted or sexually harassed reach out for support.

It may take courage but you will find care and support to help you through this.

Confidential 24-hour help is available.

Community support

Statewide Sexual Assault Helpline - 1800 010 120
7.30am to 11.30pm 7 days a week

1800RESPECT - 1800 737 732
24-hour sexual assault and domestic violence support

Laurel place - local support services
Maroochydore - +61 7 5443 4711
Moreton Bay - +61 7 5499 2096
Gympie and Murgon - +61 7 5482 7911

Living Well - 1300 114 397
MensLine Australia - 1300 789 978
Men’s sexual assault and counselling services

More support services in Queensland

Frequently asked questions

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What is sexual assault?

Sexual assault occurs if you have been tricked, coerced, or forced into any kind of sexual activity that you did not want or without your consent.

Sexual assault includes:

  • Inappropriate touching without consent
  • Forcing someone to perform a sexual act
  • Forcing someone to see a sexual act including the use of electronic media
  • Sexual behaviour to which a person has not agreed

Sexual assault can be carried out by anyone. It does not matter if you are in a relationship with the person, whether they are a friend, family member, previous sexual partner or a stranger.

If you believe you have experienced sexual assault you may feel confused or overwhelmed – this is really normal, and we are here to support you.


What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is any unsolicited, unwelcome and unreciprocated behaviour, act or conduct of a sexual nature that embarrasses, humiliates or offends other persons. It can be a single incident or a persistent pattern and can range from subtle behaviour to explicit demands for sexual activity or even criminal assault.

Some examples of sexual harassment include:

  • inappropriate jokes or comments with sexual connotations,
  • the display of offensive material,
  • stares and leers or offensive hand or body gestures,
  • comments and questions about another person's sexual conduct and/or private relationships,
  • persistent unwelcome invitations,
  • requests for sexual favours,
  • offensive written, telephone or electronic mail or other computer system communications,
  • unnecessary close physical proximity including persistently following a person,
  • unwelcome physical contact such as brushing against or touching a person,
  • denigrating comments regarding a person's gender or sexual preference, or
  • negative behaviours, for example, intimidation or exclusions related to the sex of the recipient.


Where can I go for support?

If you have just experienced a sexual assault or are in immediate danger

  • Get to a safe place
  • Phone the Police on 000 (Triple Zero)
  • If on USC campus grounds, call the SafeUSC team on 07 5430 1168 (24/7)
For Supports/Safety measure/Reporting

Contact Safer Communities.


Student Wellbeing Counselling Service: free and confidential counselling and psychological services. Please call 07 5430 1226 to make an appointment book or through the Student Hub.

Off campus


Community Supports

Additional support services include:

What happens when I tell USC about my experience?

It is important to know that you can seek support and tell us about an incident without making a formal complaint.

When you contact us, we will arrange for you to speak with a qualified and specialist sexual assault worker who will:

  1. Talk to you about what your experience has been. You do not have to provide any information or details that you do not feel comfortable discussing.
  2. Ensure that you are safe.
  3. Discuss the immediate supports you require, including campus safety planning and academic adjustments.
  4. Let you know the supports available to you at USC and in the community
  5. Talk to you about what you would like to happen next.
  6. Explain your options for resolution, including informal steps or making a formal complaint.
  7. Support you to report the matter to police, if you would like to.

When you let us know about an incident, we must:

  • Provide the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Students) with a confidential report about the incident and the supports that have been arranged.
  • Report any staff misconduct you disclose to the Director of Human Resources.

All attempts will be made to ensure you do not need to repeat your story to multiple staff members to ensure the least traumatic experience when speaking about it.

When is the University required to speak to the police or undertake an action?

Only in exceptional circumstances does the University speak to an external agency about an alleged crime without your prior consent (eg when a disclosure is against a staff member, or if the information is necessary to protect you or others from harm, or to prevent a further crime taking place).

All information associated with investigations and outcomes associated with allegations of sexual harassment/misconduct are treated as confidential and not released to any third party or external agency unless required by law or you expressly consent to its release in writing.

What will happen if I make a formal complaint to USC?

Sexual assault or harassment is never acceptable, and we are here to support you if this occurs. The above section 'What happens when I tell USC about my experience?' outlines how we will support you when you make a disclosure to USC. A disclosure is different to a formal complaint – the complaint process is detailed below.

If you choose to make a complaint, Safer Communities will support you with this process. We understand making a complaint can be difficult or overwhelming. We will work with you throughout the process to ensure you feel safe and supported.

If you would like an investigation to occur, or for there to be formal action taken against the accused, a formal complaint process is required. (Please note: you do not need to make a formal complaint to be provided with reasonable adjustments, confidential support and counselling, or safety planning).

When you make a formal complaint, you will be asked to complete a statement about your experience. We can provide some support to help complete the statement. We understand talking or writing about your experience can be difficult, we will do everything we can to ensure you don’t have to repeat your story.

​Your complaint will be provided to the Office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Students), where a decision will be made about the best way to manage your complaint. If the complaint is about a staff member, the USC Human Resources team is required to manage those matters, and the information about your matter will be provided to a senior member of the HR team.​

Once the complaint has been received:

  • You will be provided with support and updated throughout the process.
  • An initial review of the matter will take place within 10 business days of receiving the complaint.
  • The Pro-Vice Chancellor (Students) will determine if an investigation should take place under the Student Misconduct Procedures.
  • If the matter relates to a staff member it will be managed as per the USC Staff Code of Conduct and Enterprise Agreement.
  • The accused may be provided a copy of your statement or provided with details to respond to. We will make sure you are advised prior to this occurring.
  • The student who has been accused of misconduct will be invited to attend an interview, they are not obligated to attend.
  • You may be asked to participate in an interview if further information is required. You can be accompanied at the interview by a support person.
  • If the matter is heard at a General Misconduct Panel hearing. The accused person will have the opportunity to ask questions (through the Chairperson)*, these might be directed towards you. You have the option to attend in person. If you do not attend in person, you will be required to respond to any questions.
  • Once the necessary information has been gathered and considered, you will be provided with the outcome.

If the accused is a student and they are found to have engaged in misconduct, the University can apply educational or remedial actions or impose penalties as per Section 6 of the Student Misconduct Procedures.

If the accused is a staff member and they are found to have engaged in misconduct, the University can undertake disciplinary action as per Section 5.7 of the Enterprise Agreement.

If you would like more information or support to understand this process, you can contact Safer Communities to have a confidential conversation.

*Questions asked "through the Chairperson" means that the question being asked will be considered, and if the question is inappropriate or does not relate to the matters being discussed, the Chairperson will not ask that question. This process is in place to protect the complainant and to ensure the tone and intent of questions asked are in the spirit of the purpose of the hearing.

I want information about reporting my concerns to the Police

What are my options for reporting to Police?

You can make a report to police about a recent incident, or something that happened some time ago – there are no time limitations on reporting your concerns.

Queensland Police Service: How to access support as a sexual assault survivor

Copyright Queensland Police Service 2021. Used with permission.

If you need support to report your concerns to Police, you can make an appointment to speak with someone from Safer Communities. This service can talk you through the options available for you, and arrange any supports you may need whilst going through this process. If you prefer, we may be able to support you to meet with Police on campus and organise any special arrangements (such as a female officer or an interpreter). When you first talk to Police about your concerns it does not mean that you are making a complaint that will be investigated, it is your choice if you would like this to happen or not.

If the incident is occurring right now and you are concerned for the safety of yourself or others, you should contact 000 (Triple Zero). If you require immediate security support on campus, you can also contact SafeUSC Security on 5430 1168, or us the SafeZone App.

You can make a report to Police using the online form available on their website. You can also contact Policelink (if the matter is non-urgent, for example, if you are safe and the offender is no longer in the area) or go to your local Police station for advice.

Important note: If you have just experienced a sexual assault and are unsure if you would like to make a report, you can attend a hospital and request to have a ‘just in case’ medical examination. This can allow you to take some further time to make a decision about whether you want to make a complaint, whilst ensuring any necessary evidence is obtained. We understand that this process may be daunting, if you need someone to talk to you can call the Queensland Sexual Assault Helpline (7:30am – 11:30pm) on 1800 010 120.

Can I provide information about my experience to Police without making a formal report?

There are many reasons why people choose not to make a formal report about their experience. Your reasons are personal to you and you should not feel pressured to make this decision. It is important to know that you have options to notify Police about your experience without making a formal report.

 This is called Alternative Reporting Options (ARO). There are no judicial processes involved in ARO reporting. Police might use the information you provide to support them to target their community responses to reduce re-offending. With ARO reporting you can choose to remain anonymous and request not to be contacted. If you do choose to remain anonymous, the information provided cannot be used in any judicial proceedings. Many victim/survivors of sexual assault find that this kind of reporting can be empowering. You can find the online ARO form here.

How can I get involved?

Want to get involved in USC or other initiatives to address sexual violence. Here are some resources and campaigns you may be interested in:

Our commitment in action

UniSC strives to create a community where every member is secure, supported and respected.

Policy at the highest level

Our dedication is underpinned by formal policy and supported by action.

Safe campuses

Our campuses are 

SafeUniSC are available 24 hours a day for security, access and safety escorts.


First responder network

Onboarding for staff


Recognise, report and respond

We stand together as a University community on this issue. We recognise, respond to and refer victims of sexual assault and sexual harassment effectively with the compassion, care, understanding and practical support required.