Building community resilience to climate hazards | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Building community resilience to climate hazards

Applications open until suitable applicant found


This exciting PhD position is linked to an Australian Research Council supported project addressing community resilience to coastal climate hazards in Australia.

The impacts of climate change will translate to an increase in hazards including extreme storm activity, storm surge, coastal erosion, and flooding.

Even with severe and rapid declines in greenhouse gas emissions, global temperature will continue to increase at least until mid-century and sea-level rise will continue throughout the 21st Century.

Consequently, building community resilience to climate hazards is imperative to national well-being and security.

This PhD position will address aspects of community resilience in the context of global environmental change.


Focal area

There is flexibility to shape the PhD research to align to the key interests of the candidate. The PhD position may address aspects of community resilience, hazard management and/or climate change adaptation.

This position provides the student with an opportunity to work with leading resilience and climate adaptation scholars in Australia and internationally.


Ideal candidate

The ideal candidate for this project will have experience and skills in the following areas:

  • Knowledge, interest, and/or experience working in climate change adaptation, disaster resilience, community development, and/or coastal planning and management.
  • Strong qualitative and/or quantitative research skills.
  • Enthusiasm and ability to engage with diverse stakeholders including vulnerable communities, researchers from other disciplines, and government
  • Project management experience.

Alongside strong academic achievements, the ideal candidate will be self-motivated, proactive, resilient, and creative.

  • Be accepted into a Higher Degrees by Research program at the University of the Sunshine Coast
  • Hold a or a master degree with a significant research component, in a discipline of relevance to the research topic
  • Domestic applicants only - Australia/New Zealand residents 
Selection criteria
  • Criterion 1: Academic Achievement
  • Criterion 2: Research Capability
Eligible programs
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
Number available

1 - Stipend value of $34 449.95 p/a paid in fortnightly instalments. Payment is is for 3 years to align with thesis submission (possible extension in line with relevant policies and procedures)    

2 - Tuition offset scholarship for 3 years to cover cost of tuition fees, also aligned with thesis submission (possible extension in line with relevant policies and procedures) - approximate value of $87 000  

3 -  $2000 Allowance for relocation per scholarship conditions


This will be a two-stage application process:

Stage 1 - Expression of Interest: Reference code UniSC_RS_2411_ELRICK-BARR

Contact Person - Contact Person - Carmen Elrick-Barr (celrick@USC.EDU.AU)

  • Download and complete the USC Research Scholarship (USCRS) application form.
  • Email your Expression of Interest (EOI) to the contact person and attach:
    • USCRS application form
    • Cover letter that includes why you are the Ideal Candidate & why are you interested in undertaking this project and the research approach you would take
    • two references with contact details.
    • Current CV (max 2 pages) 
  • The scholarship panel will review the EOI. If shortlisted, you may be invited for interview.
  • The preferred applicant will be invited to formally apply for HDR program and Scholarship.

Stage 2 - Formal application (only if you have been invited to apply)

  • Read the important information on How to Apply for a HDR Program at UniSC.
  • Submit your UniSCRS application form as a supporting document when submitting your HDR Program application.

*scholarship offer is subject to applicant meeting the eligibility requirements for entry into a higher degree by research program at UniSC.