Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2008: Diploma of Fitness/Bachelor of Science (Sport and Exercise Science) | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2008: Diploma of Fitness/Bachelor of Science (Sport and Exercise Science)

Program summary

QTAC code: 511744
Degree type: undergraduate
Mode of study: on campus
Duration: 4 years full-time
Fee type: Commonwealth supported places, domestic fee-paying places
Total units: 288 units (normally 24 courses) being 180 units (15 courses) completed at the University of the Sunshine Coast and 108 units advanced standing (equal to 9 courses) upon completion of the diploma at the Sunshine Coast TAFE (SCT)
Recommended prior study: completion of Year 12 or equivalent
CRICOS code: not available to international students on student visas

New students commencing Semester 1, 2008 are not required to enrol in any USC courses until they complete their diploma.

Program overview

By studying the Diploma of Fitness/Bachelor of Science (Sport and Exercise Science), you will benefit from the combined hands-on experience offered by the Sunshine Coast TAFE (SCT), and the more theoretical material offered by the University. This will enable you to learn new material, and adjust flexibly, as directions and demands in the sport and exercise area change.

This program will produce graduates who can ‘hit the ground running’ in the sport and fitness area. In particular, this award is in line with the new category of professional qualifications determined by the lead agency, Fitness Australia. Fitness Australia is now the recognised representative body in the fitness industry, and this organisation has classified the industry certification as Exercise Therapist, or Exercise Trainer. This will place students and the education providers at the cutting edge of the fitness industry.

Professional membership

Graduates will potentially be eligible for membership of:

  • Fitness Australia (the government appointed leading agency in the field)
  • Australian Association of Exercise and Sports Science (AAESS) ^
  • Australian Strength and Conditioning Association
  • Australian Coaching Council

Career opportunities

  • biomechanics consultancy
  • ergonomics
  • cardiac/respiratory
  • professional coaching
  • coaching development
  • xercise physiology
  • fitness assessing and counselling
  • fitness/health/exercise consultancy
  • health promotions
  • program development
  • sports science

Special features

  • a current, highly marketable dual award program offered jointly between SCT and the University
  • practical experience combined with theoretical underpinnings
  • recognition by Fitness Australia, the government-appointed leading agency in the field
  • accreditation with LSAS, an Australian Institute of Sport quality assurance program

Teaching mode

There are different teaching modes between the SCT Diploma modules and the University's Bachelor of Science courses. Diploma modules are face-to-face teaching with performance based assessment. The University's Bachelor of Science courses have 3 or 4 hours of contact per course per week, generally in the mode of a 1-hour lecture and 2-hour tutorial, with students completing a further 6 or 7 hours of self-directed learning per course per week. The self-directed learning consists of readings, research, assignments and other assessment items.

Program structure

Diploma of Fitness

SCT Modules required for the Diploma of Fitness are undertaken at the SCT Mooloolaba campus.

Modules undertaken cover the broad areas of:

  • exercise science and exercise instruction
  • client induction and screening and first aid
  • fitness, aqua and aerobic instructor
  • exercise planning, programming and administration
  • postural screening and organise and conduct a sport and recreation session
  • personal trainer, exercise of older adults and special populations
  • sports marketing, management of events and sports psychology
  • nutrition and drugs

Multiple modules are undertaken in each of the above areas. For information on the specific modules for this program refer to the student information provided by SCT.

Bachelor of Science (Sport and Exercise Science)

13 required courses:
LFS201 Systemic Physiology I
SPX201 Functional Anatomy
SPX202 Biomechanics I
SPX211 Exercise Physiology I
SPX221 Introduction to Sports Medicine
SPX222 Sports Psychology
SPX231 Motor Control and Learning
SPX301 Cardiorespiratory Health and Rehabilitation
SPX302 Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
SPX312 Performance Enhancement
SPX322 Biomechanics II
SPX331 Exercise Physiology II
SPX352 Sports Nutrition
Plus select 2 courses from:
NUT212 Principles of Nutrition
LFS202 Systemic Physiology II
LFS251 Biochemistry
SPX323 Adaptive Physical Activity
SPX361 Physical Education Studies A α
SPX362 Physical Education Studies B α
SPX371 Advanced Coaching Science
WPL310 Workplace Learning I #
WPL311 Workplace Learning I #

^ To be eligible for membership to AAESS students must complete all required components of this program. This consists of the 6 introductory/foundation courses and 14 advanced courses. In addition, AAESS requires students to complete 150 hours of supervised practice. This can be completed via the two listed Work Place Learning courses, or through supervised practice (the latter can be arranged during the 2nd and 3rd years of this program).

# Entry to Work Place Learning will be selective, based on GPA and/or interview.

α Recommended for students interested in proceeding to a Graduate Diploma in Education, specialising in physical education. These courses can not be counted towards AAESS accreditation and so should not be selected by students wishing to become a member of this association.

Course substitution: the GO (Global Opportunities) Program

As part of your USC program, you may apply to participate in the GO Program to undertake courses with an overseas higher education provider.

Program requirements and notes

  1. Refer to the Academic Rules.
  2. Refer to explanation of terms.
  3. Refer to the recommended enrolment patterns.

How to apply

Apply for an undergraduate program.


Sunshine Coast TAFE (SCT)
Tel: +61 7 5459 3000
Refer to the Sunshine Coast TAFE website

University of the Sunshine Coast
Faculty of Science, Health and Education
Tel: +61 7 5430 2869

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