Modules | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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This series of three modules will be delivered on campus in a small group (no more than 20 students per class) over three Fridays. Attendees can choose to attend for one or two days, or register for the whole three-day series. Each day will finish with a goal-setting and action planning opportunity.

Module 1: Supervisory and Leadership Fundamentals

  • Characteristics and behaviours of effective leaders and supervisors
  • Improving personal effectiveness and communication
  • Understanding ourselves and others (developing your EQ)
  • Working effectively with different personalities (MBTI)

Module 2: Performance Management and Working with Groups

  • Managing performance and coaching skills
  • Delegation and improving team decision-making
  • Managing conflict and giving difficult feedback
  • Cultivating group performance and Pod Synergy™

Module 3: Boosting Human Capital BY LEVERAGING EFFORt

  • Creating a Zone of Engagement (ZE™) at work
  • Developing High ZE leadership habits
  • Improving team morale
  • Increasing performance without increasing burnout