Master of Engineering (Transport Technologies) | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Master of Engineering (Transport Technologies)

Develop skills to design, construct, operate and maintain transport infrastructure.

The Master of Engineering (Transport Technologies) is a coursework degree that provides practising engineers with skills in applying an advanced body of knowledge to solve complex problems in a range of contexts, at the level of professional practice. The program provides higher level skills in the design, construction, operation and renewal, and maintenance of transport infrastructure. A key component is interactions with recognised specialists teaching each course. The degree is designed to interface with a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Seminar series that utilises international specialists and helps engineers stay current in their knowledge and skills.

Study location
  • Sunshine Coast
UniSC program code
Study Periods 1 or 2
2 years part time
Study mode
on campus
Other requirements
Students should nominate to commence the program in the Session/Semester of the first course they plan to undertake. Note: refer to the program’s Recommended Study Sequence for more information on the course’s Session/Semester of offer. When choosing the course to commence with students must ensure any course pre requisite can be met.
Fee type 2017
  • Postgraduate coursework places
Total units

The Master of Engineering (Transport Technologies) is a coursework degree that provides practising engineers with skills in applying an advanced body of knowledge to solve complex problems in a range of contexts, at the level of professional practice. The program provides higher level skills in the design, construction, operation and renewal, and maintenance of transport infrastructure. A key component is interactions with recognised specialists teaching each course. The degree is designed to interface with a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Seminar series that utilises international specialists and helps engineers stay current in their knowledge and skills.

Professional recognition 

The Master of Engineering (Transport Technologies) complies with Type 1 Continuing Professional Development as defined by the National Engineers Registration Board of Australia. Registered professional engineers can use it to maintain registration and graduate engineers can use it to achieve registration.

Intensive delivery

This program is delivered using a combination of intensive face-to-face study blocks (normally two weeks long), online components, and a choice of Work Placement (WPL) and Special Research Project (SPR) combination which will have monthly update and check in meetings (face-to-face or skype) with a USC academic. Students should refer to the Faculty of Science, Health, Education and Engineering course schedule and the published timetables as sessions can vary from year to year.

Admission requirements 

To be eligible for entry into this program student's entering the Masters program will normally be required to hold a Bachelor of Engineering degree (AQF Level 8) from a recognised higher education institution.

Program structure

Required courses (48 units)

ENG701 Pavement Construction
ENG703 Pavement Design
ENG704 Pavement Maintenance
ENG705 Pavement Operation and Renewal

Specialisation courses (48 units)

PLUS select 1 specialisation from:

Project Management for Engineers
ENG702 Contract Management
ENG706 Planning for Project Management
BUS705 Innovation and Management Decision Making
MGT702 Managing People


Workplace Research
SRP721 Special Research(24 units) *
WPL720 Workplace Learning II(24 units) *

* must be taken after completion of 4 required courses

Note: Program structures are subject to change. Not all USC courses are available on every USC campus.

Total units: 96

Program requirements and notes

Program requirements

In order to graduate you must:

  • Successfully complete 96 units as outlined in the Program Structure
Program notes
  • Postgraduate students are expected to have a high level of English written and speaking skills. Refer to the English language requirements.
  • When enrolling, please refer to the Plan your study tab
  • Register your selected specialisation