Semester 1, 2016 | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Semester 1, 2016

Study on campus

Business, IT and tourism courses

ACC106 Accounting Principles
BUS102 Economics for Business
BUS104 Discovering Management
BUS105 Marketing Essentials
ICT112 Programming Fundamentals
MGT130 Managing Supply Chains
TSM102 The World of Tourism, Leisure and Events

Creative industries, design and communication courses

CMN103 Introduction to the Creative Industries
CMN104 Introduction to Screen and Media Industries
CMN116 Playing with Words: an Introduction to Creative Writing Craft
CMN120 Introduction to Contemporary Global Media and Communication
CMN130 News and Reporting
CRM101 Introduction to Criminology
DES101 Elements of Design
DES105 Design Methods
DRA100 Acting 1: The actor's craft
EGL120 The ' English' Tradition: An Introduction to Literary Studies
SGD100 Introduction to Game Design
SGD101 Game Art: Introduction to 2D & 3D

Education courses

EDU101 Human Development and Learning

Engineering and science courses

ENG101 Professional Engineering
ENS103 Earth's Surface Processes
LFS100 Cell Biology(Prerequisite: Students must be in Year 12)
MTH102(Prerequisite: It is recommended students be concurrently studying Maths B or C in Year 11 or 12)
SCI105 Introductory Chemistry(Prerequisite: Students must be studying Chemistry in Year 11 or 12)
SCI110 Science Research Methods(Prerequisite: It is recommended students be concurrently studying Maths A, B or C in Year 11 or 12)

Health, nursing and sport sciences courses

LFS103 Introductory Bioscience(Prerequisite: Students must be in Year 12)
NUR121 Health Care and the Professions
SPX101 Introduction to Sport and Exercise Science

Humanities, psychology and social sciences courses

ENP101 Introduction to Urban Design & Town Planning - Studio I
GEO100 The Changing Planet
HIS140 Global Citizens: A History of Humanity
JST101 Justice and the Australian Legal System
PSY100 Introduction to Psychology A
PSY102 Current Directions in Psychology
PSY103 Applied Psychology in Health Care
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n't) it work? - An Introduction to Sociology
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
SUS101 Foundations of Sustainability

Languages and linguistics courses

IND110 Indonesian A
JPN110 Introductory Japanese 1

Study at USC Gympie

Business, IT and tourism courses

ACC106 Accounting Principles
BUS102 Economics for Business
BUS104 Discovering Management
BUS105 Marketing Essentials

Creative industries, design and communication courses


Education courses

EDU101 Human Development and Learning

Health, nursing and sport sciences courses

LFS103 Introductory Bioscience(Prerequisite: Students must be in Year 12)
NUR121 Health Care and the Professions

Humanities, psychology and social sciences courses

PSY100 Introduction to Psychology A

For more information on the Headstart Program contact Student Central on Tel: +61 7 5430 2890 or email

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