Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2009: Bachelor of Science (Sport and Exercise Science) - commencing Semester 2 | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2009: Bachelor of Science (Sport and Exercise Science) - commencing Semester 2

Recommended enrolment patterns for students commencing Semester 2, 2009

  • This enrolment pattern is designed to comply with program requirements.
  • Students with advanced standing from prior tertiary study should consult the program adviser for recommended enrolment.
  • Course offerings may change without notice.
Semester 2, 2009

LFS112 Human Physiology **
LFS122 Human Anatomy
SPX102 Introduction to Coaching Science
Plus select 1 course from:
COR109 Communication and Thought
COR110 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
COR111 Environment, Technology and Sustainability

Semester 1, 2010

NUR101 Introductory Bioscience
SCI110 Science Research Methods
SCS120 Introduction to Psychology
Plus select 1 course from:
COR109 Communication and Thought
COR110 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
COR111 Environment, Technology and Sustainability

Semester 2, 2010

SPX202 Biomechanics I
SPX211 Exercise Physiology I
SPX212 Exercise Prescription and Programming
SPX222 Sports Psychology

Semester 1, 2011

LFS201 Systemic Physiology I
SPX201 Functional Anatomy
SPX221 Introduction to Sports Medicine
SPX231 Motor Control and Learning

Semester 2, 2011

SPX301 Cardiorespiratory Health and Rehabilitation
SPX312 Performance Enhancement
SPX352 Sports Nutrition
Plus select 1 course from:
LFS202 Systemic Physiology II
SPX323 Adaptive Physical Activity
SPX362 Physical Education Studies B * ##
WPL311 Workplace Learning I #

Semester 1, 2012

SPX322 Biomechanics II
SPX331 Exercise Physiology 2
SPX302 Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Plus select 1 course from:
FSN212 Principles of Nutrition
MBT251 Biochemistry
SPX361 Physical Education Studies A * ##
SPX371 Advanced Coaching Science
WPL310 Workplace Learning I #

* Not available in 2008
** Enrolment by permission after completion of ENB105 Enabling Biology and ENB101 Enabling Chemistry.
# Entry to Work Place Learning will be selective, based on GPA and/or interview, and may be subject to a quota.
## Recommended for students interested in proceeding to a Graduate Diploma in Education, specialising in Physical Education. These courses can not be counted towards AAESS accreditation and so should not be selected by students wishing to become a member of this association.

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