Business Programming
INF 221 (Offering: 2003)


This course introduces the foundations of computer programming in a business context. Techniques and concepts essential to effective problem solving through the use of computers are covered. A disciplined and structured approach to writing program code is encouraged. This is achieved by adhering to procedural programming design techniques that have been adapted to the event driven programming environment. Procedural programming provides the foundation for most business applications programming. In this case the student will be introduced to procedural programming techniques with an emphasis being placed on good design and programming practice. Programming techniques include the design, writing, testing, debugging and evaluation of structured computer programs. Programming theory will be thoroughly covered and reinforced through practice.

Major(s)/Minors(s): Information Systems

Usual Semester of offer: Semester 2

Other Information

Area(s) of Study: Information Systems

Number of Units: 12

Prerequisite: COR108  




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