Looking to enhance or change your career | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Looking to enhance or change your career

6-7pm, Wednesday 12 June 2024
Online via Zoom
Free (registrations essential)

In this free session you'll learn how UniSC can help you make the leap in your career. You'll hear the latest information about how UniSC’s programs are preparing students for the demands of tomorrow’s workplaces.

We'll discuss:

  • Balancing study and outside commitments
  • Flexibility of classes and blended learning models
  • Pathway to university options
  • How you can receive credit for prior learning
  • What support services are available and more...

Hear from those who have been there and done it, as we invite current students to share their experience of being a mature-age student at university. If you're looking to enhance or change your career, UniSC can help you get there.

Register here

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