Explore exhibitor registration | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Explore exhibitor registration

USC will once again be hosting the 2019 Explore Career Pathways Expo across four campuses this year and we invite relevant exhibitors to participate on the following dates:

Explore Overview

The Explore program offers a creative approach for developing students' career aspirations through their primary years, through exploring themes of adventure and discovery. Through a series of lessons and activities, they develop an awareness of their own skills and interests while discovering which skills are necessary for a range of different jobs.

The Explore Careers Pathway Expo is when Year 5 students come onto campus to learn about various careers through presentations and hands-on activities.

Download the 2018 Explore overview report PDF to see the impact this event has on students.

What is required from me?
  • Briefly introduce yourself, your job title, skills performed and career pathways relevant to this job.
  • Pathway information will be provided in a poster format (approx 2-3 minutes).
  • Commence the hands-on exhibit.
  • Be enthusiastic about having a job and doing your job - share your job/career highlights.
  • Highlight aspects of your job that are relevant to school (e.g. maths to work out quantities/prices/ratios; communication/social skills in liaising with customers; reading instructions etc).
  • Talk to and engage with the students appropriately for their age (9-10 years).

Please ensure your exhibit is age appropriate. We encourage exhibitors to incorporate hands-on activities into their sessions wherever possible, as these are more effective at engaging the students. If you would like assistance in developing a practical activity for your exhibit, you are welcome to contact our program developers via pathways@usc.edu.au who will be happy to help you out with some ideas.

To express your interest in participating, please complete and submit the form on this page.

If you want to know more, or have any questions please get in touch via phone 07 5456 5882 or email pathways@usc.edu.au.

Get in touch

Exhibitor contact details
About your exhibit