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Author/s Title Parent publication
Sarafanov AJ, Todorov TI, Centeno JA, Macias V, Gao W, Liang WM, Beam C, Gray MA, & Kajdacsy-Balla A. Prostate cancer outcome and tissue levels of metal ions The Prostate. 2011; 71(11), 1231-1238
Polanska, K., Hanke, W., Sobala, W., Lowe, J.B., & Jaakkola, J. Predictors of smoking relapse after delivery – prospective study in central Poland Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2011; 15(5): 579-586
Burkett, B.

Technology in Paralympic sport: performance enhancement or essential for performance?

Br J Sports Med. 2010; 44: 215-220
Askew, C.D.; Green, S.; Walker, P.J.; Kerr, G.K.; Green, A.; Williams, A.; Febbraio, M. Muscle phenotype is associated with exercise tolerance in peripheral arterial disease Journal of Vascular Surgery, 41(5): 802-807, 2005
Katsikitis, M., & Sharman, R Nurses making a difference: Strategies for empowering your practice 2011; In McAllister, M., & Lowe, J. (Eds), The resilient nurse. New York:  Springer Publishers
Cameron M, Gagnier J, & Chrubasik S. Herbal Medicine for Rheumatoid Arthritis Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews. 2011; 2
Dunn, P.K. & Smyth, G.K. Generalized linear models, with examples in R 2012; New York: Springer Publishers
Lord B., Woollard M. The reliability of vital signs in estimating pain severity among adult patients treated by paramedics Emerg Med J. 2011; 28(2): 147-150
Pelly, F., O’Connor, H., Denyer, G., and Caterson, I Evolution of food provision at the summer Olympic games: an historical perspective Nutrition Reviews. 2011; 69(6): 321-332

Donnelly JE, Blair SN, Jakicic JM, Manore MM, Rankin JW, Smith B.K.

American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand. Appropriate physical activity intervention strategies for weight loss and prevention of weight regain for adults.

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2009; 41(2): 459-71

Roiko,A., Mangoyana R.B, Oliver, J., McFallan, S., Carter, R.W., Smith. T.F. Socio-economic trends and climate change adaptation: the case of South East Queensland Australasian Journal of Environmental Management. 2012; 19(1): 35-50

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