International Recruitment Representatives - Procedures | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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International Recruitment Representatives - Procedures

Approval authority
Vice-Chancellor and President
Responsible Executive member
Vice-Chancellor and President
Designated officer
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement)
First approved
25 October 2011
Last amended
29 August 2022
Review date
20 July 2022
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1. Responsibility and Management

The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) is responsible for approving and signing international representative agreements on behalf of the University.

The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor and President for the development and implementation of processes associated with the appointment and management of International Recruitment Representatives (hereinafter called ‘representatives’).

2. Appointing International Recruitment Representatives

Representatives are appointed by entering into formal written representative agreements with the university. Due diligence investigations, risk assessments, development of written agreements, remuneration of representatives and reviews of performance and standing, are undertaken by International Office.

International recruitment representative agreements will normally have a duration of three years and a common end date of 31 December.

2.1 New Appointments

2.1.1 The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) (or nominee) is to give approval before proceeding with appraisal of a prospective representative.

2.1.2 A Representative Appointment Application form is to be sent to the representative by a International Office staff member. All questions in the form must be addressed for the representative to be considered.

2.1.3 The completed Representative Appointment Application form is assessed by a International Office staff member.

2.1.4 If deemed satisfactory to proceed, the completed application form is submitted to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) with a recommendation to proceed with the appointment.

2.1.5 After approval is granted, a written agreement is generated from the International Office database StudyLink, signed by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) and sent to the representative for counter-signing.

2.1.6 A copy of the USC Representatives Manual is to be provided to the representative on return of the counter-signed agreement.

2.1.7 The representative details are to be added to the USC Representatives webpage and will remain for the duration of the agreement, unless the agreement is terminated prior to this.

2.1.8 The agreement is valid once signed by both parties and commences on the date specified in the agreement.

2.1.9 When the counter-signed agreement is received, a PDF version is stored on the International Office departmental network drive and a copy attached to the StudyLink. The original document is recorded and filed in the university official records management system.

2.2 Re-Appointment of International Recruitment Representative

Re-appointment of a representative may be approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) provided that performance and standing is found to be satisfactory. A new formal written agreement is to be produced.

2.2.1 Prior to the end of each year, a review of representatives with agreements due to expire is to be completed by International Office.

2.2.2 The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) (or nominee) is to give approval before proceeding with appraisal and intention to renew a current or expired international recruitment representative agreement.

2.2.3 A review of the performance and standing of the representative agreement must be undertaken prior to commencing the re-appointment process by a International Office staff member. The review is documented in the Representative Evaluation form and a PDF version stored on StudyLink under the Organisational record.

2.2.4 The representative is sent a International Office Questionnaire. The following questions must be addressed by the representative for the re-appointment to be considered:

  • Is your organisation registered with any government department in the country you recruit from? If yes please supply details, including any registration or licence number.
  • What is your website URL?
  • Does your organisation use subagents?

If yes

    • Who are they?
    • How do they recruit students?
    • What are their recruitment strategies?
    • How are their activities monitored?
  • How many students does your organisation send to Australia and in particular Queensland each year?
  • Does your organisation have an office in Queensland?
  • Are all staff in your organisation familiar with the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) and National Code?
  • Has your organisation completed an online agent’s course in the last three years? See
  • What are your organisation’s key recruitment strategies and future marketing plans to increase student numbers sent to USC?

2.2.5 The completed International Office Questionnaire is assessed by a International Office staff member, who makes their final recommendation.

2.2.6 If deemed satisfactory to proceed the completed Evaluation form, Questionnaire and final recommendations are submitted to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) for recommendation to proceed.

2.2.7 After approval is granted, a written agreement is generated from StudyLink, signed by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement), and sent to the representative for counter-signing.

2.2.8 A copy of the USC Representatives Manual is to be provided to the representative once the countersigned agreement has been received.

2.2.9 The agreement is valid once signed by both parties and commences on the date of the last signature on the agreement.

2.2.10 The representative details are to be added to the USC Representatives webpage and will remain for the duration of the agreement, unless the agreement is terminated prior to this.

2.2.11 When the counter-signed agreement is received, a PDF version is stored on the International Office departmental network drive and a copy attached to StudyLink. The original document is recorded and filed in the university official records management system.

3. Remuneration

Commission rates are indicated in StudyLink and the agreement.

4. Representative agreement termination

4.1 Staff in International Office will monitor the behaviour and actions of representatives (See section 5).

4.2 Problems or issues arising with a representative will be referred to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) for immediate action. The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) will decide if the representative performance warrants termination of the agreement. If so, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) will initiate the termination process.

4.3 Representative agreements will be terminated if a representative breaches provisions of a representative agreement, in particular if the representative has engaged in unethical practices as described in Standard 4.3 of the ESOS Act 2000.

5. Monitoring Representative Performance

5.1 The International Office staff member appointed responsibility for admissions and/or recruitment of a designated geographic region will monitor representative performance for representatives who are based in that region. Outside of the formal appointment or re-appointment process (point 2), representative performance should be monitored on an ongoing basis, using key indicators to determine performance. Key indicators include:

  • Quality of applications received
  • Conversion of offers to matriculations
  • Number of visa rejects and reasons for rejection
  • Adherence to contractual obligations
  • Complaints from applicants/students regarding representative behaviour
  • Noted performance of subagents engaged by the representative

5.2 The International Office staff member will determine suitable action to address the Representative underperformance; the representative may be required to engage in further training. The form and date of training will be recorded on StudyLink under the Organisation record.

5.3 The agreement with the representative may be terminated, following the procedure outlined in 4.2 and 4.3. The representative will be informed of the termination in writing and a copy will be stored on the Organisation record in StudyLink.